Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Fulltime Families Pre-RALLY Fun

We made it to the Fulltime Families Rally in Seffner, Florida at Lazy Days RV Park.

The Rally doesn't officially start until the 11th but there was plenty of pre-rally fun! This was our first rally and we didn't know what to expect, but we sure had a wonderful time. For the next rally we will come a bit earlier and stay a bit longer. Up until now the kids have been disappointed that we haven't seen many families in the camp grounds we have stayed in...they need not be sad any more...I'm just not sure how I will pull them away when its over.

Quite a few Rally attendees were on Rally alley in the back of the park. It was a bit tight with everyone having to park infront of their sites but I think that helped with everyone remembering to keep the speeds down.
Riding their jeep up to the pool
We basically took over the cul de sac in rally alley.

The children all had the freedom to roam, explore, play, meet new friends and create wonderful memories and lasting friendships.

There were lots of games played.

New friendships made...

Lots of bike riding. Aayla also is gaining some confidence on her bike. She even did a few tricks by lifting her feet off of the pedals and riding.

Both girls really enjoyed using another families Y Flicker scooters... something we will have to invest in as they had so much fun with these.

Little Miss YouTube!
Socializing for all the mom's and dad's.

A few teens hanging out too.

Fulltime Families Sweetheart Soiree Pre Rally Silly Photo

Of course there had to be some pool time too. If you look closely enough you may see their developing gills! Aayla's swimming abilities have really taken off. She is practically a fish now and we can barely get her away from the pools.

Lazy Days has a trolley that takes you over to their RV store. Aayla just wanted to go for a ride and she even got to ring the trolley bell but we didn't see Daniel Tiger.

As you can see the Rally hasn't even started yet but we are having a blast meeting so many wonderful fulltime families!

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