Wednesday, February 10, 2016

MOSI in Tampa, Florida

While at the Rally we had a couple days before the rally started and spent one day at MOSI (Museum of Science and Industry). Our entrance fees for MOSI were covered by reciprocal membership from Boonshoft so we got in for free...a savings of $95.60.

We were supposed to meet another family from the Rally here but we didn't confirm where exactly to meet. When we arrived, we didn't see them at the main entrance so we went straight to the Children's Science Center at MOSI hoping they would too but somehow we missed them.

 Daddy had to lay on the bed of nails before Sierra would try...

 Even after he did she was still a bit unsure but she gave it a try.

 Aayla's favourite part of any science centre or children's museum is always the restaurant/grocery store etc. They had very limited food available to play with.

The tug of war was a lot of fun.

 Some other pictures from the children's centre.

Then it was time to take a break and play on the playground.

 Here is their rope climbing/zip lining platform. We didn't try it as we didn't have the proper footwear on to try it out.

Back in we went to see the Dinosaurs in Motion exhibit. This by the way is a must see! It was extremely cool to be able to use the controls and move these big steal dinosaurs around as we learned about robotics.

Next we headed back inside the main building. Daddy rode the bike across the tight rope which was up on the second story. This freaked Sierra out a bit and couldn't even watch him go across.

The earthquake simulation was also not so great for her today. Too much sensory overload. The rest of us thought it was neat to "experience"an earthquake.

Aayla loved the wind tunnel.

I missed a picture of Sierra in this brain development display but Sierras comment when she came out was "man that brain was having a party in there"!
 Full size Operation game!

On our way out of the museum we took a ride in an automated car.

And then finished off the museum with the butterfly garden...but the flight encounter was closed so we couldn't go in with the butterflies.

 I loved the benches they had to sit and watch though.

If I am to be honest I was glad we got in free to MOSI as if I had paid almost $100 to go I would have been very disappointed. We loved the Dinosaurs in Motion exhibit but there was so much here that was way above our girls heads so we wouldn't have gotten our monies worth. There were a lot more exhibits geared towards older children.

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