Sunday, February 14, 2016

Our first Rally! But not our last!

Fulltime Families Sweetheart Soiree 2016 East Coast Winter Rally!

By the time the rally started both girls had already made some great new friends.

First step... Rally registration.

Then all the kids made their Valentine bags. I volunteered to help the 3-6 year old's make theirs.

Afterwards there was some outdoor fun and games for the young ones which I volunteered to help with too. You can take the mama out of daycare, but I guess you can't take the daycare away from the mama. We brought bowling and ladder ball to share and lots of families brought by balls, hoops, bean bag toss, ride on ponies, ring toss etc.

Later in the evening there was a meet and greet in the sac where the kids played more on their bikes, scooters and just ran around having fun playing. This was followed by a kids talent show. All organized by a couple of the families children.

The next morning it was off to Legoland for the day (I'll do a separate post later).

The third day started out with an all day swap table where you could donate items you didn't need any longer and take away things you wanted. We donated some laundry baskets, pictures and Wii light sabres and took home some Magnatiles and a couple games.

There was a parade of homes. A tour of other trailers, fifth wheels and motor homes. We saw many great storage and decorating ideas as well as learned tips from other families. The tour was great. (However we fell in love with one of the Fifth wheel layouts which led us to a massive hunt and RV shopping after the rally).

The teens all came together and watched the younger children so both parents could attend the tour. 

Next there was a Jr Entrepreneur show where the kids all set up tables with things to sell that they made or baked, or sold small toys. One girl did an excellent job at face painting. Sierra and Aayla both sold some pet shops and shopkins. Sierra saved her money but Aayla's burnt a hole in her pocket quickly.

Then there were some science experiments for the younger kids. The older teens were involved with other games like human size twister but I wasn't able to see any of that fun first hand.

Next up was the Valentines exchange. First everyone gave out their Valentines.

I read a cut paper story to the young ones before they went off to make Valentines to give to a local seniors home (thanks Darlene C for the photo I nabbed off facebook).

Now it was time for some adult fun! What's more fun then playing human hungry hippos??? Why watching it of course!

Saturday night was Pizza night and a Valentine dance. I learned one important thing about ordering pizza at the rally... when you order four pizzas you aren't getting four pieces of pizza! You are getting 4 boxes of pizza. We ate pizza for days!

Before the dance started there was a ceremony celebrating everyone's milestone on the road. We got a first rally button and I got a wall map and a gift certificate for volunteering to help with the young kids activities.
There was also a raffle with many, many different prizes. You got raffle tickets during the rally by being helpful. Everyone ended up with lots and lots of tickets.

Group photo of all the Fulltime families at the Rally.

Then it was time for the Valentine dance!

A huge thank you needs to go out to all these ladies for all your hard work and effort to pull these rallies off! This may have been our first rally but it won't be our last!

We are so happy that we attended. Not only did we have a fantastic time at the rally as a family, but we learned a lot, had so much fun, meet so many wonderful families and gained so many fabulous friends whom we know we will meet up with again somewhere down the road.

Want to know more about the fantabulous group...Fulltime families click on the logo below!

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