Monday, July 4, 2011

We made it to Clam harbour, Nova Scotia...

(We didn't get much internet time while in Nova Scotia and although today is July 16th and I have MANY posts to catch up on I will post them in order and date them accordingly and will try my best to get caught up tonight/tomorrow as we sit at a roadside pull out in Vermont and YEAH we have internet here)

Since it started to rain after seeing Prince William and Kate (see previous post HERE) we decided to hop on the ferry and head for Nova Scotia instead of staying another night and playing at the beach in the rain.

The rainy drive to the ferry past one of the many potatoe fields.

As the ferry is leaving PEI

Sierra having fun on the little playground on the ferry.
Once in Nova Scotia we drove a brutal road (374 through a game sanctuary) to get from the ferry to the #7 which my mom's new cottage is just off of in Clam Harbour. I took this one picture as we were driving but it got much worse then this as we drove through the game area (Nova Scotia no longer maintains this part of the road through the sanctuary on 374). There was a large and beautiful boondocking spot in the game sanctuary but we didn't think to stop and get a picture until we were well past it and were not about to go back!

With all the bumping around on this road the trailer must have taken a few too many bumps as later when we were driving we noticed the outdoor kitchen door had popped open (the lock was still locked, it just shimmied open). We had no idea how long it had been open but our satellite WAS in there, as well as the girls outside toys, all our chairs, an axe, outdoor lights and extension cords and a few other smaller things.

Sure enough we stop to close it...

and it's ALL gone! We have no idea how far back it could have opened. We were 10 minutes from my mom's place and had just travelled for 3 hours on a brutally bumpy road from the ferry. With our luck we figured it happen an hour back or someone found the satelitte and took it home. We had to try to find it...the satellite for sure. We only used it for hockey when it was on but's a pretty big purchase to have flying out the door!

We turned around and drove about  2 1/2km's back and saw a bright pink chair sticking out of the brush in the ditch. We stopped to pick it up hoping to see the satellitte but no such luck.

We drove another km and sure enough...there was the satelitte in the middle of the road. It got a bit beat up and now has a couple nasty scratches but the few cars that passed must have swerved around it and continued on.

A little further down the road we found everything else strewn along the side of the road. We were VERY lucky.

(we were even more lucky when we plugged in the satelitte and it worked) We turned around again on the hunt for mom's new cottage. We found her road...
This is the little lane that goes to her cottage
which is more of a lane. It gets narrower as you drive along and very over grown with trees. We carefully drove in as I stood on the back of the truck to ensure the solar pannels didn't get scratched with any branches.

We managed to get almost to her property before having to back up. We couldn't make the turn to her property :(

One of mom's neighbours came out and offered us a parking spot a couple cottages away at her brothers place; he isn't around much and there would be room there to turn around and park.

We were thankful to not have to go and try to find a place to drop the trailer and travel back and forth daily. We have a short 2 minute walk and we are at "Rose Cottage".

As you pull into the cottage

Looking back at the cottage from the beach area. It's a muddy harbour and full of clams!
 The cottage came furnished so mom just had to fly here, unpack a couple bags and she's all moved in :) Here is her view of the harbour from her deck.

Aayla enjoying a cuddle with Grammy Sue

After Sierra had her cuddles with grammy she went straight to Bluebell.
We missed you grammy Sue, love your new cottage and your new little puppy (thankful as well that even though Sierra will miss Rosie she has also has taken to Bluebell). The cottage needs a bit of work, but slowly and surely it will be the perfect little place for mom and we are so happy for her to have it.

Elizabeth Gruening is our newest follower. Thanks for joing us Liz :) Liz is a good friend who is marrying Ian's best friends from highschool next April and we are so looking forward to the wedding and welcoming her into our extended family.

As well we would like to welcome Teri and Mark of Hidden Valley RV Park. Their park is just outside of San Antonio Texas and was a wonderful little, natural, hideaway which we enjoyed our time at very much. It doesn't have the bells and whistles that go along with a KOA but it offers so much more. Their blog can be found HERE and my post of our time at their RV park can be found HERE as well as my review HERE. So go take a peek!


  1. glad to hear you found all your stuff!!!

  2. Hi Brooke,
    I have been following your guys whole adventure! Glad you got all of your stuff back, that would have been bad! and your mom's place is Fantastic! is she there permanently? If I was Sierra and Aayla I know where I would be spending my summer vacation!
    Hope all is well, travel safe!

  3. Sue: We are very lucky to get everything back!

    Leanna: Mom will go to NS in the summers until she retires and then she will spend about 4 months probably in NS and the rest at home. I am sure the girls will spend a lot of time is a wonderful summer place and it's the perfect little spot for mom. Looking forward to getting together with you when we get back...still have Christmas presents for the girls at home! Hope all is well...take care.
