Friday, July 8, 2011


We have spent our first few days just enjoying the peacefulness of mom's new cottage; a few walks, a few small car drives exploring but generally just hanging out and enjoying being still. We have had a great time traveling and seeing many sights but boy oh boy...once in awhile it is nice to just sit still and be, to have nothing to do but listen to the sounds with your feet up on the couch with no plans for the day. Have no fear though our travels are not over :) We will be moving on to new adventures soon!

Todays journey took us to the Valley with our first stop in Berwick to visit my brother Skye and my grampy.

Two amazing men, who lived two different lives. Both lives were full of happiness and hardship but they always had a smile; and both so generous as to give you anything they had if you needed it, even if they needed it more...including the shirts on their backs... literally.

I am sorry Sierra and Aayla did not get to meet you both, but believe me when I say that my life and many others are enriched for having known you, for having loved you, and for having being loved by you. You are missed...

"Whatever else, be happy; life is beautiful"

After saying goodbye we went to visit a dear friend Ethel. Ethel lived beside us in Torbrook Mines where I spent  most of my childhood and she was like a grandmother to me and my brothers growing up...but especially to me. I missed seeing her on my last visit to NS so I was so happy to be able to see her this trip. Ethel celebrated her 89th birthday this past March and still looks as young as ever!

Almost as if time has not's tea time at Ethels :)

Ethel log home she built after retiring and selling the store

Sierra enjoying Ethels piano

Beautiful wild roses in her garden.
We were hoping to drive back to mom's by cutting across NS to Bridgewater and then head along the other coast to Lunenburg but since it was so late we decided to do that another day and took a quick drive to Scots Bay instead. Not too many pictures here though...I was too busy collecting agates :)

Another Heart Rock my mommy found for me
A long day of travel...and not enough time to visit any other friends or family in the valley on this time :) Since mom now has a cottage here we will be back more often I am sure but the road is calling us and we will be off soon.


  1. yet another heart rock? many have you got so far??

  2. Not sure how many exactly but a nice little collection coming for sure :)
