Sunday, July 10, 2011

Lunenburg daytrip

We spent a rainy saturday at the cottage...enjoying the sound of the rain and the stillness of the cottage. Aayla had a bunch of fun in the rain, Sierra enjoyed playing with Bluebell all day, I enjoyed a good book, Ian relaxed with a computer game and mom had a very wet walk on the beach. Nothing planned, nothing major happened, yet a wonderful day non the less.

Pam and Jo stopped by after supper but my camera stayed hidden most of the day today :(

Sunday morning we woke up and headed out for another day of driving...on our way to see the South Eastern coast we missed the other day. Here are some of the sights we saw near Petite Riviere on our way to Lunenburg.

By the time we got to Lunenburg we were all starving so we stopped for a bite to eat along the waterfront
nice mug shot...I was a bit grumpy today :(
 And then we're off in search of icecream which wasn't too hard to find.
 We walked along the wharf. The Bluenose was there but covered up for repair work and couldn't get a good picture so I had to search for other things to take pictures of and of course that wasn't too hard :)

I love all the colours of the buildings here

A memorial to those lost at sea

Carriage tours around the town

patchwork pretties

Listening to some street musicians

Aayla enjoying the view at Pam and Jo's home.
 We LOVED this lake and hope to find a treasure like this in Ontario or BC to call our own. Wedefinitely hope to take them up on their offer to park at their place on our next visit to NS too!

What an amazing view

A hummingbird

Hugs goodbye

Aayla connected with Jo quickly
Another long day of travel...tomorrow we pack up and head to Tina and Jimmy's.


  1. very nice photos today, Brooke..I forgot how much I missed your posts until you showed up on my blogroll again!..welcome back to the land of internet!!

  2. Awww!!! Thanks Sue :) I am a bit behind again but more posts coming soon!
