Thursday, July 7, 2011

A new view and gone 'clammin'

Tina and Jimmy (long time family friends) came over to mom's yesterday for mom's birthday and stayed the night.
Tina and Aayla

Aayla and Bluebell

Jimmy heads straight to business :)

 And down they come!

 The view with the trees...

And the view with a select few removed.
Isn't that a better view??? Mom is fortunate to have many mature trees surrounding her property and the removal of these few trees did nothing but improve the view.

Jimmy sharpening Ian's Chainsaw
Jimmy cleared some dead trees in the front of the property too which I had fun burning all the branches and stacking this cute little row :) Now when the sun shines there is much more light, and still lots of privacy from the few neighbours nearby.
Real Blue BC we have Stellar Jays but they are not the same Blue Jay's !

Sierra having fun with the lovely fake flowers that came with the
cottage, which match perfectly with the plastic doilies ;p

A sly little look from Aayla

A walk through the grass near the swings new location

Sierra enjoying a new safe swing minus the rocks
 below thankgoodness as soon after this...
the rope broke and down she fell.
 As a child mom always took us camping...I have many memories of clamming in PEI as a kid. We didn't get to clam while on the island so this evening I headed out to the harbour fueled with childhood memories and a pitchfork.

 After clam killing...ops I mean clam digging with that horrible pitch fork! (poor clams...I felt so bad for jabbing some of the clams with my pitchfork that I gave up and headed back to the cottage)
 But I didn't feel too bad for the ones in the pot...
 However after cooking them I realized my childhood memories of digging for clams and having a clam boil were better left as memoeries...the clams were way better as a childhood memory then cooked this time round. These clams were way bigger then the baby ones we used to find in PEI.
I love this window in mom's kitchen
Tomorrow we head to the Valley for the day.

1 comment:

  1. great view from your Mom's kitchen window!..all that is missing is a fresh baked pie!!
