Monday, July 18, 2011

Down on the farm and farewell NS

Time to pack up and head on over to the Farm but not time to say goodbye to mom yet as she is coming with us :) Tina and Jimmy have a wonderful little farm near Westville. They live off of their land with the help of the horses they grow and harvest enough food to store and last the winter. They also sell some of their crops and wood.

No tractors on this farm to hay, plough the fields, mow the pastures and log the forests...nope! Not when Mike and Kate are near. All Fall, Winter and Spring Jimmy goes out with the horses to log his land and when Summer comes it's time to plough the fields to grow their crops, mow the lawn and pastures, and they do the haying too.
Jimmy mowing the back pasture with the help of Mike and Kate our first night here

Sierra galloping up and down the driveway

Aayla climbing all over Corey

Feeding Kate one blade at a time

Kisses for Kate

A quick sit on Kate

Stanley and Chance

The girls trying to pet Chance

Stanley is ever present to keep his eye on Chance...
and Chance adores him, following his every move

 They have a couple little ponds with hopes of putting in a bigger lake this summer.

Look who found another slug to love
Over a couple of days the guys repaired the barn

Visiting the goats at Justin and Corey's.

 We also had a treat of visiting Jakki Rogue and she sang and played quitar for us but I forgot to take the camera in :( Jakki was so kind to give us one of her CD's. PLEASE click HERE to go to her website.
Getting ready for the new post

Aayla loving the inside hammock

Tina pushing Aayla in the hammock

Sierra learning to play the drums

And the pan flute
And the piano

More drums

I think we have a budding little musician in Sierra. Here she is playing a duet with Matt.

Mom playting her flute. She has always wanted
to learn to play the flute properly and so has
started to take lessons and is sounding great!

Love the garlic headband! Sierra started the trend
with a necklace and although it doesn't stop the
blackflies from biting it does help a GREAT deal.

Hoisting up the barn to add in the last new post

lookin good

Spiders in the barn

Sierra helping with the last bit of shoveling

Tina and Aayla on there way inside

One of the many huge barn spiders

Stanley getting ready for a ride

Aayla so happy to be off on a horseback ride

Riding around the hay field...isn't that some of the nicest hay you've ever seen?

OK so none of us except Stanley are ready for this photo...

Sierra and Ash playing in the hayfield

Jimmy getting Mike and Kate ready to go out and finish the mowing

The sun shines briefly...the light is so gorgeous

"The Blacks" on their way out to the field

One of the many gardens they have to grow their food for the year...
this one ahead is different varieties of potatoes

I could watch the horses all day long. We weren't able to see the horses in the woods this time but if you'd like to see them in action doing various jobs on the farm here's a video Tina did and has on youtube.

Tina has a couple other videos on youtube but this one shows the horses on a day off

We have had an amzing few days here. We have enjoyed learning many new things and were glad to help out with the barn. We would have liked to help with more. Thank you both for not only allowing us to stay with you for a bit and hammer you with questions about the daily runnings of the farm, the horses, the bees, the plants and more, for the HUGE welding job Jimmy helped Ian with but also for feeding us some of the best meals we've had in a long time. It has been a great visit.

Being in NS for 10 days flew by quickly but it was very stressful being there at times. Our girls were over the top excited to be near their Grammy Sue and Bluebell and it was hard to contain their energy at times and negative behaviours skyrocketed and with it my stress level of trying to have them behave. Who would have thought that being in NS could have been so stressful.

It was bitter sweet to leave and say our goodbyes but I am glad to be back on the road...(we are currently in New York State and will cross the border to Kingston in a couple hours). Sierra and Aayla were both little devils most of the time we were in Nova Scotia but I am happy to say that even only being back on the road a short time, they have settled into our crazy routine and we are all breathing a little more easily. I think they are happy to be back into our "on the road routine" too.


  1. kids will be kids!.looks like there was a ton of stimulation for them at the farm..memories they will treasure forever!!

  2. Having visited relatives in Nova Scotia as a kid, I so enjoyed your recent blogs. Your kids are amazing and so photogenic and you have a great eye for photography. I hope you will use one of the services to turn these blogs into a book for the future. So many wonderful memories for the family!

  3. Just got caught up on your blog. Glad you had a great time in Nova Scotia, it seemed to go by fast. We warned you about the roads there, absolutely terrible! Glad you were able to get all your stuff back and that you didn't have to backtrack too far to get it. You are ahead of us now. Where in Ontario will you be?

    Kevin and Ruth

  4. Yes Sue we are creating many wonderful memories for sure!

    Donna...Thanks! My kids are surely tired of having the camera in their face but every once in a while they still give me a decent photo :) I will forsure look into getting the trip made into a book when we get home. Glad you enjoyed your trip down memory lane with us! Thanks again for all that info you sent me before we left. We have used it on numerous occasions and it has been a life saver at times!!!

    Kevin and Ruth...I am so far behind on blog reading and even blogging about out time here in Wasaga Beach visiting my dad...too many family and friends to see that we haven't been on the computer much ourselves. We are off this afternoon to head to London camping with friends for a few days so I hope to do some computer catching up before we leave :) Hope your North Eastern States trip is going well. Last I read you were near Bar Harbour so I have some reading to do as well as posting! Safe trip to you!
