Sunday, April 6, 2014

Have you heard about RVillage?

Have you heard about RVillage? I was just popping in on The Roadrunner Chronicles and read THIS post about it so I took a look and signed us up!

Want to learn about this new social media for RVer's? Click on this RVilliage link and go have a look. I think it's a brilliant idea!

We aren't on the road right now but I think this will be an amazing resource for when we are and maybe you will think so too. It's in the Beta stage but I'm sure it will be sticking around! It's an amazing idea to learn about who you are camping near by with similar interests. It's a great way to meet people to socialize with or ask local information about. Kids will be happy to meet other kids in the park before they even arrive!

Pop on over, come back and let me know what you think.

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