Sunday, January 19, 2014

FREE admission days to National Parks in 2014

The first FREE day to visit the US National Parks in 2014 is TOMORROW January 20th. Click the picture below to see the rest of the FREE days for 2014 and start planning your travels today!
If you can't make the free days but have plans to visit a couple National Parks this year I highly recommend buying their America the Beautiful Pass for National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands.

We did on our Maiden Voyage and made so much use of it! Click the picture below of us at Old Faithful Geyser in Yellowstone and you will link to all 21 posts of our National Park visits on our Maiden Voyage.

Next winter when we hope hit the road again an America the Beautiful pass will be one of the first purchases we buy for it. I'm extra excited about it now because my girls are now old enough to fully participate in the Jr Ranger programs.

Not all National Parks offer Jr Ranger programs but many do. The site pictured below explains in detail about the Jr Ranger Programs and his (Sam Maslow's) journey of collecting 325 badges, patches and buttons at the time of this posting. In July 2011 he was awarded a certificate of excellence for his volunteer work with promoting the Jr ranger program.

A wonderful resource for anyone with children...especially those homeschooling, unschooling or roadschooling.

Don't forget if you are near any National Parks TOMORROW you get in for free and for a list of other FREE days in 2014 chick HERE!

Happy travels everyone!!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh' that news was cool! Surely many will going to go there since it is free admission. Thanks for sharing this news. Keep posting.

