Monday, December 5, 2011

Christmas is coming...

I LOVE the Christmas holidays! I love the sights and sounds and smells of Christmas. I love the magic of Christmas. I love just sitting by the Christmas tree in the evenings, all lit up and the fire a glow. I love all the time we spend together as a family. I don't like the cold white stuff much but the Christmas season I love! We don't have a lot of family traditions but the ones we have are important to us.

Every year daddy makes sausage rolls from scratch just like he and his dad used to do. Below Sierra helps daddy for the first time in 2008.

We love decorating our tree together. Here's some of our past trees full of many homemade and store bought ornaments but all of them have a special meaning.

Aayla helping in 2009
2009 tree all decorated
2010 tree all decorated
Everyone helping to decorate our 2010 tree
Me adding one of my favourite store bought
ornaments...I just LOVE this fairy dog :)
 I have a large one in my craft room too!

Our 2011 Tree...some branches are heavy
with multiple ornaments as the girls love
to add numerous ornaments to each branch

We always make gingerbread houses. Sierra and Aayla are so excited about our house from 2010

We buy or make at least one new tree decoration every year (in all honesty we usually end up with 3 or 4 every year). Here are some of my favourite ornaments from past years. I love unwrapping each ornament as we get ready to hang them.

Notice a theme? A lot of red, a lot of Santas, and mainly handmade ornaments.

This year we started a new tradition called "the Elf on the Shelf" and we LOVE our Elfie :)

To learn about the Elf on the Shelf click HERE

Here are a couple pictures of the mischief our Elfie has been getting into
Swinging on the chandelier
Caught watching a movie

Built a pop mountain/tree and gave the
girls invitations to the north pole BC

We are having fun with this new tradition! I love his vintage feel and the book he came with is really a sweet story. It is so magical to watch the girls search for Elfie every morning and to see them talking to him throughout the day, telling him stories :)

What traditions do you have each Christmas? Are you in an RV this Christmas? How will you celebrate? decorate? I'm curious as this is our last Christmas in a typical "house" and next year we will be on the road and I would love to hear about some of your RV Christmas plans.


  1. happy holidays, Brooke!..hope you have a lovely time!!

  2. What a lovely tree! Looks like you have some fun traditions!

  3. Love seeing all of your sweet family traditions. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I will have to take some time and check both of yours out. SO much fun stuff! Happy Holidays!
