Wednesday, November 16, 2011

A weekend in Seattle

Mom and I took the girls to Seattle for a weekend get away which turned into a kids weekend :)

We visited the Seattle Children's Museum.

 Playing in this little taco restaurant was Aaylas favourite thing to do. Making smoothies just like daddy does.

 Walking through leaves my girls can't help but pick them up by the handfuls.

And the Woodland Park Zoo which we got in for FREE with our membership to the Carlsbad Living Desert Zoo and Gardens we purchased on our trip this summer.
 This elephant was so much fun to watch. He kept throwing the dirt up on his back, then rolling in it and then throwing it again.

 We bought bird food feeders for $2 each to feed the birds.

All in all we had a great girls weekend home we go to continue with organizing and selling things in preparation for hitting the road again in the spring.

Oh and I bought this book (find it here)

at a thrift store for $2.99. Looks like it's full of lots of great info for travelling this Spring.

1 comment:

  1. a great weekend with the girls!!!..looks like it was a ton of fun!!
