Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Our last week in Ontario

After leaving Wasaga Beach we headed to Barrie to visit with Mark and Corry again. We spent a couple days there and were happy to have Gary, Brooke and Jake come by for a visit again too. My camera seemed to be in hiding as the only pictures I took on this visit was of Aayla playing with the chalk outside. 
Not sure if she got more chalk on the ground or on her!
We did just manage to fit the trailer in their driveway...

And even though I didn't get a picture of it we all had a great afternoon which turned into an evening of enjoying the "Barrie Garage" phenomenon which expanded to sitting under the awning all evening, enjoying the conversation, hiding from raindrops and having a great visit!

From here we headed into Pickering to visit with Nana and Peter. Nana is the girls Great Nana. Our trailer was too long to even park on their street so we meet Diana and Nana at the mall and got some back to school shopping done for Sierra and both girls got a real treat! They were let loose in a toystore and were told to pick what ever they wanted! This of course took forever to do as there was just tooOOOoooo much stuff to choose from!

In the end Aayla picked a doll stroller (as every time we visited Mark and Corry it is the only toy she played with basically 24/7 while there) and Sierra chose some little pop up animals. I am not even sure what they are called as she has never mentioned them before but she was so excited to get them.
Aayla with her new stroller...take note of the ET in it...Diana brought it on the visit
 to give to the was Ian's when he was a baby :)
Thanks again Nana...the girls had such a fun time making their choices :)

We then went out for lunch at East Side Marios...but unfortunately our waiter wasn't very good with the camera and it isn't even close to being in focus.

Sierra learning to roll her tounge

Aayla trying the pepper in my salad

Cuddles with Great Nana
Then we took Nana out to show her our trailer

And decided to drive over to Nana's to say hi to Peter quickly before taking off. We parked on the street and ended up taking up about 4 driveways :( We went in quickly and luckily no one needed to get out in too much of a hurry.

Nana is a big Snow White fan so the girls really enjoyed looking at all her figurines.

Nana gave them one of her collector dolls.

But mine and Ian's favourite thing to do at Nana's is look at the family picture wall. When we come in April for Jay's wedding we really want to sit down and work on the family tree as we didn't get much time in Pickering on this trip.

After a short but sweet visit it was time to say goodbye.

Then we were off to Heather and Ed's for a couple of days. Again...I seemed to forget to pick up the camera!!! I did manage to get a few of Aayla and Nella having stroller races.
 And of course a few wild flowers

I snuck this one of Heather from their
back field of Nella enjoying a swing :)

Nice shoes Aayla

The guys hiding in the shade...playing with their phones...
I can't complain I was off having a snooze.
We had another great visit with you all and look forward to seeing you again soon...hint hint... like at New Years at our place :)

Sadly our time had to come to an end and we had to pack up and head out. Today marks the beginning of our journey home. We wanted a short day for our first day back on the road, and left late afternoon with the plan of getting to Sarnia Walmart for the night tonight so we can wake early, cross the border and be on our way home.

The Sarnia Walmart where we are parked for the night
We plan to get home as quick as we can with only a couple planned stops as our truck insurance runs out on Aug 28th so we need to get back to BC to pick up our insurance sticker. As well Ian has to fly back here to TO on the 28th to take care of the new rental properties and get the tenants situated with Mark.

So for the next couple of days we will be driving, driving and more driving until we get to Mt Rushmore where we will have a quick scenic tour and be on the road again!

Warm welcome wishes tonight going out to Rick and Paulette of Rick & Paulette's RV Travels. Rick is a wealth of computer tips and tricks and Paulette just might have a yummy recipe ready and waiting for you :) Welcome aboard!

1 comment:

  1. Hey I think I see my dad's truck in the background at the Sarnia walmart! lol.
