Thursday, August 11, 2011

Feeding the squirrels and chipmunks

Every morning my dad gets up early and goes out to feed the squirrels and chipmunks. He has an assortment of squirrels living nearby. Most of them are black squirrels and he likes to feed the grey ones but since we don't have black squirrels in BC I focused my pictures on them :)

Nana, Sierra, Aayla and my dad waiting for the squirrels

Shelling the peanuts

The chipmunks are much more brave then the squirrels

Aayla feeding the chipmunk

This little guy kept coming back again and again...
he has a nice little storage area filled for this winter :)

After it started to rain Aayla stayed out and collected all the peanuts
the squirrels missed and tried to feed the chipmunk by herself.

But everytime the chipmunk came close she got excited and scared him away.
That's OK she then took all the peanuts she could find and
dropped them into his burrow for him ;)
The next day it was time to say goodbye to Wasaga Beach, my dad and Bev. As we were leaving their neighbour George came out and gave Sierra a beautiful crystal and Aayla got to choose something too. She chose a frog lawn ornament that she had been eyeing the whole time we were parked at dad's. Thanks again George that was very sweet of you.
Then we packed up and left our shady spot beside dads. Thank goodness we could plug into their electricity while we were there because we surely wouldn't have gained enough solar power under all those beautiful oak trees!

Diana had a great visit too and her and Bev had a little too much fun together!

Bye Bye Dad and Bev...
And off we head to Barrie to spend a couple days at Mark and Corry's...hopefully we can fit in the will be close :)


  1. sad to say so long!..but think of the memories that the girls will have!!

  2. Nice shots of the black squirrels!
