Friday, August 5, 2011

Nana Diana comes for a visit in Wasaga Beach

Although both my dad and Ians mom live in Ontario, in the 13 years that Ian and I have been together they only have ever had a brief hello once about 12 1/2 years ago so her trip to visit us in Wasaga beach was the first time they really met.

Sierra and Aayla were very happy to have Nana Diana visiting.

Everyday we have been running around looking at property. We have decided not to buy land until we decide exactly where we want to build our earthship and spend the next decade or so. We have now been looking at rental properties and have been busy running around everywhere trying to find the best investment properties. It's been nice to have dad's as a home base to come back to each evening to sit by the fire; having time for everyone to get to know each other better. Bev has a large family so she always had people stopping by and Sierra really enjoyed playing with MaKayla and Chole when they were visiting and we appreciated being able to have our own friends and family stop by too.

Dad lights the nightly fire.
 (Bev's cousin Char is in the background with her husband Mark)

Ed looking a bit sleepy after pulling an all nighter with Ian and Jay
downtown last night...and then going to work all day and coming
straight back tonight for a visit'll sleep good tonight Ed!

Chloe sprays Grammpy "D" with the hose...hoping to get a reaction
but dad was glad for the cool spray :)

MaKayla and Chloe with Gramma Bev
Sierra build her own little fire
Tomorrow we are off to Canada's Wonderland for a Foster Family Fun Day!

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