Sunday, August 7, 2011

Family Day at Canada's Wonderland

Other then Nana and Peters 50th wedding anniversary a few years ago, this is the first time in the 13 years that Ian and I have been together that Diana has been together with her 3 sons and ALL their children. We had a large group and a lot of fun at our family day at Canada's Wonderland.
The whole gang!
Back row: Becky, Aayla, Sierra, Kayla, Charlie, Jake, Cameron, Lucas
Front Row: Diana, Brooke, Mark, Corry, Gary, Ian and Me
We had a great day together. It was so nice to see everyone again, and all at the same time :)

Charlie and Aayla on the carrousel

Lucas enjoying a ride on Ian's shoulders

Aayla and Charlie with Mark

Sierra is upset she isn't tall enough
to go the the roller coaster

The gang in line

Aayla and Kayla waiting for their ice cream cookies :)

Nana Diana with Aayla, Sierra and Brooke
Sierra runs away from Uncle Gary...wanting but not wanting to be carried away again :)


Becky and Aayla

We were so surprised that Aayla liked being up in this airplane all by herself!

Charlie and Sierra's turn

Jake and Cameron plotting out our next rides

Aayla and Kayla taking a break

Enjoying a good laugh :)

Charlie deciding where to go next

Cameron waiting in line

Not sure what the actual name of this ride is but they described it as being in a washing machine...ya...I pass
Aayla gets a ride from Brooke

Jake helps out with Lucas

Robin keeping an eye out on the girls racing by

Sierra tries to fly

Aayla having fun with Uncle Mark

Lucas breaking into the cotton candy

with so many hands the cotton candy disappears FAST!

Mark teaching Aayla the art of photography :)

Sierra almost takes out Auntie Corry
as she jumps into her arms

Giddy Up Cameron

Nana Diana takes a break

Aayla loved this little race car. It was just fast enough to not scare her. 

A long day of fun is winding down.

We've had a fantastic day. It was so nice to be able to spend the time with everyone and get to know eachother better. Throughout the years we been able to see everyone at different times but to have us all together was a lot of fun!!!


  1. Great pics! It is perfect for your documentary of your Family Day. I also take shots in every activities we do in our Family Day.
