Sunday, July 3, 2011

North Rustico Prince Edward Island and a day of fishing

The sun was shining so we woke up early and left our boondocking spot.
It was really just the corner of a parking lot for the New London Community Centre. No one answered the door when we tried to ask permission to stay and no one came by during the night. The community centre also offers Free Wifi so we got a bit of internet time while parked there too.
Now it was time to head to the beach. The weather here has been funny. Hot one minute and foggy the next so we wanted to head to the beach while it was sunny :)

We hit the road

And ended up at the PEI National Park. The water was freezing but the sun and the sand was lots of fun and the girls managed to still get wet.

We had to pay $15 to enter the Park. We really love our American the Beautiful National Parks Pass in the States and asked about a similar pass for Canadian parks and found out there is a Discovery Pass for Canadian National Parks and heritage sites. It was $136 for a family but we could use our entrance fee from today still towards it's purchase. We figured we would stop at more Parks and Historic sites in Canada if we had a pass which we otherwise might not go to if we have to pay $15 or more to enter them. Not sure if we will visit enough parks in Canada to recoup the fee or not but I think we will have more fun enjoying the ones we do go to now that we have the pass so we are not caught up on the entrance fee each time.

While we were at this beach a local man stopped and talked to Ian and he suggested we head into town and find a boondocking spot. He said you could basically just stop and park anywhere and no one would say anything. So we packed up and drove through the little town of North Rustico. We ended up parking at the wharf. Ian asked about going fishing in the morning while the girls played at the playground.

Beside the playground was an outdoor gym and washrooms.
 There was also a basketball court in need of a bit of hoop repair!No ladder...just get a picnic table and hope for the best. With luck you won't fall!
There was a camper parked beside us who was leaving. He said they stayed there the night before with no problems at all so we decided to stay.
 We even got lucky and had electric access right beside us.
The electrical pole had seen better days but free power at the beautiful wharf setting was very nice.

We went for a walk on the wharf and got some lobster for supper which we cooked and enjoyed right beside us with the wharf and fishing boats behind us.

 We have created a monster with Aayla. She LOVES Lobster!

Aayla saying cheese for her picture
 with her very own baby lobster

Beside us was a nest.
 And one of the parents flew in with a snack for their little ones.

After spending the night at the wharf with no troubles at all Sierra and Ian went out for their fishing trip.

Somehow Sierra wasn't sad to see the fish
 killed as she was with the lobster thank goodnes.

Cleaning of the catch

Ian found out while on the boat that the Duke and Dutches (Prince William and Kate) were arriving in PEI tomorrow so we drove into Charlottetown to Walmart for the night and will try to get a glimpse of them :)


  1. champagne taste on a beer are so have created a daughter with great taste in food!!!

  2. We bought the Discovery Pass and have made good use of it. We spent about 9 days in Cape Breton Highlands Park (made sure we never camped in the park, too expensive), but planned our days so that we spent most of the day in the park and then exited in the late afternoon to boondock outside the park. Also took our daughter Lindsey, her husband Justin and baby Cameron into Louisbourg Fortress for the day. That alone would have cost us around $75 but with the pass there was no charge. We are now going to be spending several days in Fundy National Park. So the pass has definitely paid for itself. Enjoy.

    Kevin and Ruth
