Friday, July 1, 2011

Happy Birthday Canada

We crossed the Confederation Bridge into Prince Edward Island this morning.

Aayla enjoying her sisters DS on the drive
 We made a quick stop at the Visitors Centre to ask about overnight parking. Sure enough the lady said we can stay at Visitor centers in PEI. So we headed into Charlottetown for the Canada day celebrations. We drove to the waterfront info centre but the parking was blocked off for the celebrations so we had to park down the road for $7 for the day (and yes we were told we could stay there for the night).

 We thought all the celebrations were right here but as it turns out all the kids activities were about a 15-20 minute walk away at Victoria Park but we headed over to join in Canada's Birthday Celebrations!

Sierra running to say hi and thrilled that they ALL talked to her

What??? No fast passes??? I have to wait?

Aayla waiting wit a new friend in line

Yes that wait was for a bouncy castle

But Aayla was afraid of the flaps to climb through
 at the top and was very sad she
couldn't just play at the bottom.

Dancing the line a way for the next bouncy castle

This time she made it :)
 We walked around to the back of the park and found a great little playground and water park.

 Then we headed back to have a wagon ride and see the petting zoo.

I love the iris's against the brick

We decided since our parking spot was right beside the stage we might as well leave as it would probably be a loud, late night. When we left we noticed someone backed into us :(
So we went in search of a place to stay for the night. You are apparently allowed to stay at Walmart in Charlottetown but we decided to head towards Cavindish so we would be closer to the beach in the morning.

We stopped at a Passport America place because we need to dump. We found the WORST camp host ever at Harrington RV Campground. Most of the PEI Campgrounds in the Passport America book state discounts are not valid in July and August but this one didn't mention any black out times or restrictions other then having to possible pay $5 per extra guest over and above 2 so we knew we might have to pay extra for the kids. It would still be the cheapest choice.
 We went up the long driveway, passed some falling down buildings to a big open field. I went in to talk to the man at the reception area to register. This is how our conversation went:

Him: "Do you want sewer or just electric and water"?
Me: "sewer please".
Him: "How many night"?
Me: "Just one and  we are Passport America members".
Him: "You can't stay for only one night".
Me: "pardon me, that's not in the Passport America book".
Him: "I don't care, you aren't coming here from Charlottetown with a full tank, staying here, paying only $15 and empting your tanks."

 I couldn't believe it.
Me: "it's none of your business where I came from, where I am going and how long I stay there".
Him: "You an pay full price or leave".

I told him that I was going to call Passport America and tell them what type of business he ran.
Him: "Fine you can stay here in the electric and water but you aren't having sewer".
Me: "I wouldn't stay here for free now"! and left.

I was soooOOOooo mad. He was so rude and he cared so little about it he just smiled and waved goodbye as we drove away.

I am going to start a link of BAD places to go and this one is tops. People need to be warned of all the scam artists out there and not waste there time going. I know passport America saves us money when we find a good place and I am thankful for that but boy I could do without all the scam artists and rude people out there!

We drove on to the Stanhope Campground at the National Park but the available sites were all too small. We tried to dump as we are full but there was a blockage so it wouldn't drain...just our luck today!

Sound asleep after a busy day

We drove on to the Vistors centre near Cavindish Beach to be told we couldn't stay there :(

A fox ran across the road and I just barely
got the camera up in time

We continued driving and found a Community Centre in New London with a large open parking lot. No one answered the door when we tried to ask if we could stay even though there was a car in the driveway and lights were on but it was 8:50pm...surely we will be OK to stay? It will be dark shortly so we are going to risk it and cross our fingers. The community centre has free wifi and we are on with decent service tonight! Since we will have no internet in Canada we will be relying on friends and family in NS and Ont and until then...wifi where we can get it so posts might be a little scrace for a bit but I will catch up as soon as I can. Until then...happy travels everyone :)


  1. can you say 'jerk'!!..hope you get the drainage problem solved!..very patriotic post today!..thanks for the girl's tattoos!!

  2. I am glad you stuck to your guns with that guy and just walked away. I can't believe how much money some of these campgrounds lose because they are to cheap to give away a spot for less money than they ask for. $15 is better than no dollars. I can maybe understand it if they have a full or almost full park, but if there are empty spots why they don't take less, I just don't know. We found again that churches and harbours are great spots for boondocking.

    Kevin and Ruth

  3. Yes Sue we can and did to ourselves...I still am baffled by the way he spoke to me about it and then smiled and jerk for sure.

    Kevin and Ruth: It amazed me especially since out of his 100plus spots he had literally about 7 or 8 spaces filled. I don't get it. I agree; half price is better then nothing especially when you are empty!

  4. I just found your site and I am reading all your back posts.

    I just had to comment on todays post even though it was made 3 weeks ago.

    I can fully understand why there were only 7 or 8 spots filled with the camp hosts attitude. And on Canada day weekend too. Maybe the camp owners should be told?

    We are heading over to the Island so what park is this? I really want to be sure to avoid it.

