Friday, June 17, 2011

Last day at Hollywood Studios

We decided to spend our last Walt Disney World park day at Hollywood Studios and headed to the Little Mermaid again first thing.
We thought it was another Star Wars weekend and wanted to try to get some more signatures but we were Star Wars weekend and no Star Wars characters roaming everywhere. On the brighter side...the park was basically empty when we first arrived.

We are the only ones walking around this part of the park!

 The Incedredibles

 And Winnie the Pooh...(we didn't see Eeore anywhere this trip)
 Mickey had a huge line up which we decided to skip so no Mickey signature either.
 Other then their hats the girls got to pick one treat on our trip. Sierra chose Rapunzal hair

 And Aayla chose a Rapunzal book...
however we had to exchange Sierra's wig and when we did Aayla wanted to change her book for a Snow White doll so she did. In case you didn't know...Disney will replace anything that breaks for anyreason while on your trip. If you want a straight exchange you don't even need a receipt. If you want your money back you will need a receipt. One of the flowers fell off of Sierras wig so we took it back to the store and they handed over a new questions asked. So if you buy a toy that breaks...take it back and get a new one. They are really good like that. At Christmas when we were at Disneyland we broke both of their light up toys and had them replaced no questions asked as well.

 We rode Toy Story today about 5 or 6 times... Everytime we got off...Aayla wanted to get right back on.

 We also tried Narnia...I only tell you this to warn you NOT to go. It was basically a movie trailer you had to line up to see...not impressed! We spent a fair amount of time at the Honey I Shrunk the Kids playground. The girls loved it there. Our day here was cut a bit short...we headed to the bus stop as the sky started to look grey.
 And got on the bus just as it stated to pour!
 Even though we left early and didn't get to see Fantasmic...Aayla was still worn out and fell asleep within minutes of getting on the bus all snuggled up with daddy and her Snow White doll.
The campfire night of Princess and the Frog was cancelled too so we watched it in the trailer, had popcorn and then off to bed. One last day at Fort Wilderness tomorrow to relax by the pool before moving on.

We are happy to say that "little Brooke" is doing much better so we will be leaving here and heading to Nova Scotia first before going to Ontario. Glad you are making a speedy recovery!!!

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