Thursday, June 16, 2011

A day at Epcot

We started our day at Epcot with a visit with Daisy within minutes of the park opening,
and then found a magical garbage can that blew bubbles :) Sierra was sure that Stitch was inside playing tricks...but when she looked in there was nothing inside except garbage!
We headed to "The Seas" and rode the nemo ride first. I love how this photo below, my girls have the same facial expressions (and temperments) as Marlin and Nemo...Sierra looks like Nemo...ready to take on the world, full of energy and won't let anyone get in her way. Aayla looks like Marlin...more timid, laid back and easy going...glad to take things more slowly.
OH no They've been eaten by a... Great White Shark... (a Charlotte diamond favourite of ours...)
Lots of fun games in the seas area and also many little fish tanks as well as some larger tanks too.

Yes my 5 year old decides how many braids or pony tails
she wants each day...already expressing her individuality!

We visited "The lands" as well and liked the ride through the greenhouse gaining ideas for our earthship :) Then it was time to cool off a bit:
Aayla watching Sierra having fun getting wet
trying to decide if she wants to join in or not.

Sierra gets soaked fairly quickly

Aayla decides to give it a try

Look I got my clothes all wet

I get this water all to myself

No fair...the water went away
 Next we were off to see Tinkerbell...yes straight from the water play and all dripping wet ;) The first thing Sierra told Tinkerbell was...I like the blue fairy and the pink fairy best!!! Don't worry are mommies favourite.
 We took a walk around some of the countries but it was so hot and the girls were quite cranky because there weren't many rides to go on. We did find a couple and got lucky to see Belle and the beast together in France...lucky because mom waited an hour in line with Aayla while daddy and Sierra rode one of the rides Aayla couldn't go on.
Mulan in China
 Viking boat ride in Norway
 Visiting with Donald Duck outside of Mexico...
 On our way into Mexico and ian trying on a sombraro

 Sierra swims in hers :)

 I think the Mexico ride was our families we entered Sierra yells,"it's a small world!"

 Aayla's favourite decorative bushes...
 We visited Canada too of course and at first were not impressed. There was a little store area which had your typical trinkets full of maple leaves, maple syrup, native trinkets and some BC wines and ice wines. The area was decorated with totem poles, an Empress Hotel which was all locked up, the grounds were done in beautiful gardens, (very West Coast decorations) but you walked up stairs that looked down over a waterfall area. Here there was a sign pointing to the movie area but the sign was so small and probably missed by a lot of people which is a shame as the movie was actually quite good. It was a humorous but pretty accurate movie about Canada and who we as Canadians are. They did a good

For us Epcot was one of those places where you can say been there...done that...don't think we'd ever go back even though we know we missed a lot. Perhaps another time without the kids. There just wasn't enough to keep them happy especially in the heat! So bye bye Epcot...tomorrow we head to Hollywood Studios for the last time.

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