Sunday, May 1, 2011

Sedona, Sedona, Sedona...Oh How I LOVE thee

Oh how I LOVE Sedona!!!
I Love the red hills

The red rocks, the red sand...maybe it has something to do with the fact that red is my favourite colour??? Personally I think it's because those red cliffs look stunning against the blue sky! I could sit and stare at them for hours
 Driving to get groceries or to work would be so much more fun every day if the view in the distance looked like this

 Or if while at work you could look out your window, or step ouside on a break and look up at their splendour...makes a working almost fun.

And then when you have just go pick one of over 100 trails and head up into those red hills

 Take a hike, have a picnic or just explore

We have a beautiful view from our FREE campsite

close up of the view through the trees where we are camped

Grammy these flowers are for you! Sierra wanted to
bring them home for you but since they won't last,
we took a picture for you!

Here in Sedona...Life is good...
My only complaint...having to pay to park pretty much anywhere in Sedona. Luckily our America the Beautiful Pass covers the $20 Red Rock Pass Parking.

More Sedona pics coming...

1 comment:

  1. We loved Sedona and Red Rock State Park!! nice to find your blog! We re the Napkin Dreamers
