Sunday, May 1, 2011

Palatki Ruins and Slide Rock State Park

This morning we got up and headed to the Palatki Ruins.

On the way we got to see more fabulous red mountains.

The girls being told by a park ranger that if the kept their parents
on the trails and didn't let them touch anything they would get a little surprise.

Look a lizard!

At the ruins we had to check in. Apparently you are supposed to reserve a space and we just showed up. I read somewhere that reservations to secure parking were a must but the tourist info we asked said no reservations are necessary...just show up. FYI they let us in but reservations are REQUIRED! So if you are planning on going, give them a call first.

At the Ruins there were pictographs

the fire pit!

 Then we took a walk towards the ruins

I HEART Sedona

The ruins themselves were small and off in a distance. Apparently you used to be able to get closer however last July due to weather changes, the cliff above them had a crack that opened up and the area is closed until they study how the crack will react as a massive cliff landing on people is something they would like to avoid...imagine that...still I think they could have let us a bit closer, or cut down the trees in front of  the cliff...all for the name of a better photo :)

Receiving their treat for keeping their parenst in line

Proud of their colouring Share! Ha!
Aayla gets to pick the next treat!

After the ruins we headed to Slide Rock State Park.

Although it is part of the National Forest it is a State Park and does cost $10.00 to enter and is not covered by our America the Beautiful Pass beacuse it is a State Park and not a National Park. We coughed up the $10 and spent a chilly afternoon on the rocks. The sun here shines and is warm, but with the wind it can be chilly and there was a lot of cloud cover today as well.
No this isn't the real Slide Rock area :)

Yes Aayla does ALWAYS have a dirty face! But it's still CUTE

Clouds and wind didn't hold Sierra and Aayla back.

Another HEART rock

Sierra found "Woolly" Her new best friend...a pet wood bug

Stellar Jay

The slide rock area was a little too big for the girls but we found some pools at the top which we called "the kids slide" and they splashed around for a bit whenever the sun came out from behind the clouds. Aalya loved the water and didn't care that it was only about 52 degrees.

There were a few crazy kids going down it and having a great time. Brrrrrr!!!! That water was cold!

After spending a couple hours here despite the cold, the sky cleared for what looked like it might be for at least 10 minutes of warmth and I could bare it bo longer! Afterall searching the internet, Slide Rock is how I heard about Sedona... I HAD to go! SoooOOooo I did!

It was cold that after you were in you didn't even feel the cold anymore. Sierra decided she wanted to try it with me...but chickened out. She did however want to sit on my lap to go down the "Kids slide".

After going down and her bum barely getting wet on my lap she was soooo excited to have gone down and wanted to go again.

Aayla...she preferred to splash around.

From here we headed to Red Rock Crossing as I had heard there was a nice photo opt near the river of Catherdral Rock. However it was a $9.00 entrance fee so we didn't bother. Instead we headed to an overlook and got a few shots from there.

Everytime I ask Ian to smile I get this, so...

When I get mad at him for no smiles... I get this!!!

The girls enjoyed exploring and tree climbing.

We hit Safeway for a few groceries and saw this green McDonalds??? Is that normal in the States? Or a city bylaw here? Weird to see green "golden arches".

Back up Schnebly Hill Rd to our campsite...Bye Bye Sedona...Hello Grand Canyon :)


  1. great tour of Sedona! the red rock and the blue sky..spectacular!..looks like you are ALL having a great time!!!

  2. The McDonald's in Sedona is the only one that doesn't have the Golden Arches. The city of Sedona said they couldn't build it unless they changed the color of the arches. Which is pretty awesome, in my opinion.

  3. That child and her bugs,LOL... very pretty pictures, i really like the stellar jay, sounds like you having fun. Sierra looks like shes grown a foot shes going to be sooo big when you get back. And aayla and her little dirty face but you really cant deny it she is still cute! <3 you all xoxoxoxo's for everyone

  4. Great pictures and it sure looks as if you guys are having a blast except for the fact that Ian doesn't smile. Of course that is the Ian I remember from the MLU's!!!!
