Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Gardendale, Alabama, Walmart for the night

This Gardendale Alabama Walmart at 890 Odum Rd was a great place to stay for the night.
We parked up from the gas station on the side of the driveway where the trucks were parked. Then we went in to ask where they would like us to park to stay for the night. They normally ask people to park on the other side of the building but they said if we were already parked here we were fine to stay where we were. Our slides easily opened up to the grass hill behind us as we only have slides on one side. The door did open up to the driveway so we did have to use extra caution when entering and exiting. We had cars passing us all night but it wasn't too loud and we had Walmart Wifi from here.

 This is our second time passing through Alabama and we still can't add it to our travel map.
Next time we really have to work on changing that. This time we were passing through to head straight to Mammoth Caves National Park from Florida. We only add to our map when we stay somewhere or experience something with in the state. Some people would classify staying at Walmart as done, or even just passing through but we like to have a memory of something we have done in the State before we add the State sticker.

As you can see there are many places on our map we have travelled through getting from one place to the other but if we just drove through it's still empty. Hopefully the next time we are in Alabama we can have time to actually do something here and check it off our map.

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