Friday, April 15, 2016

Exploring the trails at Mammoth Cave National Park

After our Cave Tour yesterday I headed out on the trails for a bit of a walk. Spring is just starting to wake up and in another couple weeks everything will be coming a live.

 Aayla joined me and we left the campground and headed toward the Visitors centre.

Group campfire area


Train car display near the Visitor center

Aayla loved rolling down the hill here.
 We headed back on the path towards the campsite as Aayla decided she wanted to go back to the camper. I hadn't sunk in all the nature I wanted yet so I continued on to Green River Ferry.
 I love the out cropping of rocks a long the way.

 Some Spring colours were bursting out.

Mr Snail out enjoying a nice spring walk too
 I had no idea what this was so I asked a Ranger and they found a different Ranger who could tell me...and 5 minutes later I promptly forgot what it you have any idea? I think they said it was a type of fungus??? I Love the bright little caterpillar on it too.

A deer ran across the path

Eventually I ended up at a Blue Hole. On a sunny day I bet the colour would be beautiful.


I got to the ferry which was the end of the trail (as far as I could tell without a map) and I turned around to head back to the campsite.

 This time there were three deer resting in the woods.
 I got a bit too close though and they took off.

When I got back the girls finished working on the Jr Ranger booklets and we took them in to get their badges as we were heading out of the park today. This is the first time they have participated in the Jr Ranger program and they loved it. Sierra was so proud as she finished almost the whole book. She omitted the activity near the cemetery as she didn't want to go to a graveyard she said. She is even more proud because I bet her she couldn't finish the whole book in two days...and she proved me wrong!

Now we are off to Indiana.

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