Saturday, March 26, 2016

Stump Pass Beach State Park, Manasota Key, Englewood, Florida

Today we visited Stump Pass Beach State Park. Cost to park here is $3 and oh so worth it! Sierra wanted a pool day at the RV Park with dad and stayed home. She was sad to see everything she missed while we were out. It was so much fun!

It didn't take long to hit the water! Oh that beautiful water!

Aayla is learning to like the waves.

Grammy takes the turtle float out in the waves.

And she tumbles...

There were dolphins swimming here pretty close to shore.

This Grey Heron was the perfect poser.

Examining a shell Aayla found

My water logged water baby.

After we were good and wet we walked the trail to the tip of the park. Well we didn't make it all the way but we saw some wonderful things along the way. Someone we asked said we were about half way.

This pair of lizards was quite fun to watch. I'm not sure if they were mating or staking territory but they did the funniest dance around each other. I should have recorded it.

All along this path there are spots to stop for a picnic lunch and a swim even, if you wanted to cool off again.

wood pecker

seed pods

cactus flower

 A gopher tortoise walked right across the trail.

Further down the trail when you go out to the beach it is more natural and less busy.

looking for lunch
 On our way back...little legs were getting tired.

We popped back over to the beach to walk partway back and I am so glad we did!
sea sponge that washed ashore

 This!!! This was truly amazing! We thought we scored the mother load of shells but soon realised they were mainly all alive. For some reason on this one small area of the beach, these snails were rolling in the surf.

Grammy trying to find an empty shell.

Aayla is really getting the hang of the waves now and has lost her fear of them.

Another great beach day. Somethings you can just never tire of! Or rather we can never tire of no matter how many we go to. They are all a little bit different and wonderful in their own ways.

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