Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Sanibel Island, Florida: Lighthouse Beach and Fishing Pier

Today we headed to Sanibel Island.

We picked up a friend Sierra met in Feb at the Fulltime families rally and off we went.

We had such a fantastic day visiting many places on Sanibel Island. I'm going to break this next few posts up into individual sections for each beach we were at or else this post would be way too long.

As soon as we crossed onto Sanibel via a $6 toll causeway, we stopped at the visitors centre to figure out where we were going. It's a cute little building from the outside and we picked up a free shell guide so we could identify some of the shells we found. Love the sign...for all us snowbirds!

The first beach we headed to was the Lighthouse Beach and Fishing Pier. To get here turn left on Periwinkle Way from Causeway Road.Go to the end of the road to the light house fishing pier and a boardwalk nature trail thru the wetlands. We headed straight to the beach.

When you think you scored a beautiful shell, make sure you take a close look inside to ensure it doesn't have a live snail inside. It is illegal to remove anything alive from the beach. You are allowed to take shells but only if the creatures are no longer using it.

Sierra and Scout found a dead horseshoe crab.

There were many sea stars and other creatures found as well.

Everyone walked ahead to the pier but I stopped to watch the dolphins for a while.

By the time I got to the pier everyone was on their way back.

There was an Osprey nest close to the pier with a baby in the nest.

We walked back along part of the nature trail and found a snake and a tortoise.

We loved our time here at Lighthouse beach. The shells and wildlife were amazing! We hate to leave but there is so much more to see here on Sanibel Island.

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