Monday, March 14, 2016

Pine Island Bike Ride to St James

We arrived at Pine Island KOA a couple days ago and literally have been hanging out at the pool the whole time. Today I decided I needed to get out and took a bike ride all by myself!

I decided to ride down to the south end of the island to the tiny town of St James in search of an even tinier beach area I heard about. It was a hot bike riding day but it was so worth it. I did however stop more often then ride on the way there to observe the wild life and snap some photos of the wildflowers.

First discovery were these Wood Storks enjoying the waters along the roadside. I had to look them up as they were new to me.

 There was a Great Blue Heron a little further down.

My favourite spot of the day was this (I think) a Gopher Tortoise. He was crawling a long the sidewalk. Every once in awhile he would dip off onto the grass and have a snack and then carry on his way. I watched him for awhile.

 Finally I managed to make it to the little beach.

 On the way home I saw the tortoise again.

This time I noticed many different wild flowers growing a long the roadway. 

The last photo with the circular purple flower reminded me so much of Horton Hears a Who...

There were more Wood Storks on the other side of the road on the way home too.
I enjoyed my bike ride and really need to head out by myself more often. So hard to sometimes just take the time for myself.

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