Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Our first Thousand Trails...Peace River, Florida

As soon as we parked I knew we made the right choice to buy a Thousand Trails (TT) membership. Mind you this is our first time at a TT property but we loved our site. We also love how much money we just saved ourselves...see HERE.

When we first pulled in and were told there were no sewer sites and that they use a lottery system to divvy out the sewer sites we thought it was kind of odd. We weren't impressed. Sites at the TT resorts are first come first served so you drive around and pick the site you want and generally all the sewer sites are always taken here apparently. Others have said this is not the case in other TT resorts.

We drove to the dump station and dumped and then proceeded to find a site. We arrived on a Saturday afternoon and I was so surprised to find a waterfront site! It was a bit mucky from recent rains and the muddy spot had some straw covering it to help with the mudd. We were able to park with most of the muck under the trailer so it didn't bother us at all. I mean how could it bother you with a view like this?

We loved the site so much that we didn't care that we had no sewer (we did have water and electric). We are used to boondocking and stretching out our tanks capacities so it wasn't a big deal for us. Plus Peace River has a honey wagon service. They dump once for free and you can pay for a second dump if you need to or you can agree to switch your hot water heater to propane instead of using their electricity and they will let you dump again for free.

Bonus number one: Staying here with our new Thousand Trails membership for two weeks was free.

Bonus number two: SO many full time families stay here too! The girls were so happy to meet friends again from the Rally and to meet so many more new friends.

There were many afternoons at the pool.

There was puddle jumping fun after the rain.

There was bike riding and exploring with their ride on Jeep.

There was even some remote control fun!

There was painting and playing and dress up.

And don't forget the milk bubbles.

There were campfires and smores.

 Meals with friends...

Even outdoor movie nights.

Cade tried to put in a new splash pad one night but it didn't work out so well.

They ran out of wood in the office so we went out and bought a truck full of wood. As we were loading the wood into the truck we found this beautiful corn snake hiding.

We split some of the wood with some friends but had way more wood then we needed still. The kids all had fun driving around the campground selling wood. They delivered and stacked and were over joyed when they received a tip.

I almost forgot about the dance parties...

And lizard catching.

Raya made me a beautiful birthday cake too as I celebrated my 29th birthday again ;)

So as you can see we had so much fun here that we barely ventured out of the campground at all. The two weeks flew by and having so many friends near by was amazing! We did spend an afternoon at a wildlife preserve which I'll post about next.

So with our first Thousand Trails experience under our belts we are extremely happy with not only the money savings but also with the ability to meet so many other families while travelling.

Do you travel full time? Have you heard of Fulltime Families? Go ahead and check them out! We love having access to this wonderful group of like minded travelling families and meeting up a long the road is so much fun!

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