Sunday, March 20, 2016

Imaginarium Science Center, Fort Myers, Florida

Today we went to look at RV's for my mom and while we were out I realised we were fairly close to
Imaginarium Science Center.So we took a break from RV hunting for a little fun for the girls. Imaginarium is part of the reciprocal ASTC program so we were able to spend the afternoon here for Free... well actually we got in for free but we did have to pay $1 each for the 3D movie. Regular prices were Adults $12, Seniors $10 and children $ almost free and we saved $34.

The first stop for us was the touch tank. This tank had both sting rays and horseshoe crabs.

Imaginarium isn't the largest Science Center we have been to but my girls enjoyed quite a few stations here. Of course as soon as they saw the Minecraft area they were all over it!

Another area they really liked was the mock weather station. They spent a fair amount of time laughing and making up weather skits and watching themselves on the News screens.

Some other fun areas in the Science Center...

We then headed to see the 3D movie. It was short but really cute and I definitely recommend you watch it.

Afterwards we took a walk around the outside area of the science center and fed the Koi.

We really enjoyed Imaginarium. It was a great place to spend an afternoon.

On our way back to the RV park we spotted a little park just up the road and stopped in for a bit.

Of course finding locusts was more fun then playing on the playground

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