Monday, February 15, 2016

Legoland, Florida

One of our Rally days was a group trip to Legoland! The Rally got an incredible home school deal which enabled us all to go for the price of one regular day admission basically.

Photo courtesy of the Fulltime Families Group

 I'm going to let the pictures tell the story themselves...
Entering the park for the first time

I love all the Lego displays everywhere.
This one was outside the main retail store.

The carousel was our first ride
Sierra with all her "Lego Friends"

Riding Merlin's Challenge

Riding Merlin's Challenge

We met Shrek and ate the best burgers and fry's according to Sierra

Watching the Dragon
to decide to ride or not...both girls decided not.

I love all the Lego figures all around

Learning to cast Magic spells

Oh oh she got caught casting spells!

The Royal Joust.. Aaylas favourite ride

I liked that each station had little play areas set up
for kids to play while the parents waiting in line.
This is genius as far as I am concerned!
 We of course ran into a few Fulltime Families during our day.

Kimberley Travaglino... the super woman
of the Fulltime Families group

Sierra loved the Wolf outside of
the Forestman's Hideout Playground

 Besides the playground this ball gunnery area was Sierras favourite...but I can't remember what it was called.

 The Safari Trek was a short little ride but the jungle animals were so fun to see.

 Break time for a treat at Firehouse Ice Cream and it was yummy!

 We then went to the flying and driving school but my girls have no patience to wait in lines so they gave up. Off to AquaZone...

As I write this and look at the map we appear to have missed a whole corner of the park??? Oops! We took one last look around all the mini cities.

We even got to see the shuttle blast off.

 Both girls decided Project X was the "big" ride they wanted to try... happy face here in line but they both freaked out on the ride and our day came to an end...time to leave as they did not want to go on anything after that.

One last goodbye as we head out of the park.
 Mini figure trading! We almost forgot! You can bring in mini figures to trade here or even with workers who have a mini figure on their name tags.
Sierra with her new figures she traded

Wall of figures for trade

Aayla making a trade

With her new figures

One last pose as we leave the park
Overall we had a good day and you can't beat the pricing we got with the Rally. Since we missed part of the park we felt it was a bit I know why. The water park was also closed on the day we visited. I also think we did a lot of running around and back tracking as we had never been here before and didn't do any research before we went so we did a lot more walking back and forth to find things the girls wanted to do.

Both girls were too timid to go on a lot of the rides so they weren't overly in love with this park but I think if they ever decide they like thrill rides then they would like the park better...or if the water park was open I am positive their love of the park would have risen a few notches...maybe by the next time we go?

Have you ever visited Legoland Florida? What was your families experience here?

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