Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Gulf Pier and Historic Fort de Soto, Florida

The girls and I went out to explore Gulf Pier and Fort just before sunset.

The Fort is mostly all opened up so you can go inside a lot of the rooms. They are however dark so we only explored a couple smaller, lighter rooms. The girls thought it was fun to be "in jail".

There were a couple trees that were begging to be climbed.

There was a nice picnic area here too and large open fields as well. Perfect for a picnic another day.

We saw a walkway behind the fort too which took you to the top of the fort but the sun was starting to set so we opted to go out on the pier instead.

 From the pier the view back to the fort looked like this...
You can see on the top of the tree line there is a platform with people on it (which we didn't walk up to) but otherwise when this was used as a fort it was well hidden.

There were quite a few people out fishing on the pier and the sun setting was pretty to watch.

We saw this poor little guy who was missing some of his toes. Sierra wanted to catch him to help him so we had a big discussion on how this bird was learning to survive with his own abilities as he looked very healthy otherwise; and his toes had healed a long time ago. Her heart always goes out to all the animals in need.

We walked back to the beach area and had a few minutes to explore before the sun set.

Sierra found what she said, and I quote; "the most awesomest shell EVER"!

A beautiful evening all around!

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