Thursday, February 18, 2016

Great Explorations Children's Museum, St Petersburg, Florida

While on our daytrip to St Petersburg and Clearwater area we visited Great Explorations Children's Museum and I must say I was very impressed!

Admission was $10 each for ages 1-54 (under one is free and 55 and older is $9) so this would have cost us $40 to visit except it is part of the ASTC travel passport program so we got in for FREE! See where we bought our membership that allowed us to visit this Children's Museum for FREE HERE.

We arrived shortly before closing so we didn't have much time to explore but it was almost empty so we had the place to ourselves basically and there was no waiting for anything.

Trying their hand at milking a cow and they were very surprised when milk actually came out!

The Build It Creation table where there is lots of Lego provided for you to build what ever your little heart desires.

The pizza station and grocery store once again wins over my girls. They could literally stay and shop and cook all day long!

Practising hula hooping at the Great Explorations Theater stage.

Next up was visiting the veterinary clinic to help some sick animals.
The animals needed baths.
Each had their own safe kennel to rest in while waiting to see the vet.
Some animals had broken bones which needed xrays to be sure.

Upstairs they had a healthy bodies/healthy food and exercise areas. 

Back downstairs they visited the fire hall. 

 Then they headed out into the main play area where there were lots of stations to build with different types of blocks. Sierras favourite was the natural tree blocks...takes after her mamas own heart!

In the middle there was a really cool treehouse/playhouse/slide area.

 Large blocks for building those large muscles.

 A great creation station with lots of building materials.

 I love this clay sculpture someone built.

A whirlwind visit for us for sure but it was lots of fun. We were really impressed with this children's museum. Although it was small it was jam packed with many fun activities.We definitely recommend a visit here if you are in the area. The Sunken Gardens are also next door. We didn't have time to visit them today but another trip we will for sure.

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