Sunday, February 7, 2016

Fort Island Beach and Fort Island Trail Park, Crystal River, Florida

Last time we visited Crystal River we had a wonderful time and enjoyed all of our outings. The only thing we felt Crystal River was missing was a beach...little did I know it has one!

This time I did a bit of homework. I even asked some locals and was told, "Nope sorry no beaches around here". I guess they want to keep this area a secret and rightly so I guess as it's not very big so don't go expecting a beach similar to St Petersburg or Clearwater. This is small and quaint.
This beach may not be big and today was too cold to actually venture into the water but I can imagine a nice hot day, slipping into the water here would be wonderful.
There is a a nice little beach with quite a few covered tables with barbeques for cooking. There are wash rooms, drinking fountain and an outside shower to get the sand off yourself or your feet.

 As well as lots and lots of birds.

To the right you can see a wooden fishing pier. 

There is a trail from the beach along a raised wooden board walk.

Near the end of the pier where it joins the board walk there is another covered area with multiple tables. From here the path continues either to the pier, or to another smaller parking lot.

View of the beach from the pier

 This sign is posted from the other smaller parking lot.

My girls found some fallen palm fronds and were using them as walking sticks and fans...however the breeze was a huge fan it'self today!

There are also boat ramps at the end of the road just a minute from the beach with a large parking lot. There was no sign-age to say no over night parking here. Has anyone boondocked at this location over night before?

When we left here we headed back along the road we came in on as the boat ramps are the end of the road. I did however neglect to take a picture of these ramps. We stopped at Fort Island Trail Park. I'm not sure where the trail is or goes as we only stayed here long enough to snap a couple pictures. My girls were cold.

The fishing pier

The boat ramps from the parking area closer to the pier.
One of the covered picnic areas
This park also had wash room facilities and a few different covered picnic areas. The boat dock had a large parking lot which is open from dusk until dawn.

 We left to try to find a community playground I heard about but without a data plan on my phone I wasn't able to find it. I did however find it when we returned to the camp ground and hope it is nice enough tomorrow to go check it out.

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