Saturday, January 30, 2016

Tallahassee Baby!

We got all settled in at Tallahasse RV Park (I'll do a review when we leave) around 6:00 and then headed over to Dawn and Arin's for supper. It was too dark for a picture so here we are in the morning.

Then it was a trip to Walmart for a few things and Sierra was so happy to find a My Life Doll on sale and this one even came with three dogs. It was about 1/2 price. She is such a budget conscious shopper when spending her own money.
 She could barely wait to get back to the camper and get it set out of the box!

The girls were quite disappointed that this park will not allow them to drive their battery operated Jeep around the park. No worries we packed it up and took it over to our friends place so they can ride it there. Apparently there is a park rule that you have to be 16 to ride anything battery operated alone including this Jeep and battery powered scooters etc. They do have fun riding their bikes around.

Aayla was a brave girl one day and tried out the pool. It was freezing but she did get under about twice before opting out.

We have enjoyed many great meals here. Aayla loved the Indian lunch we had one day but for the most part we've been doing a lot of scrumptious cooking over at Arin and Dawn's like avocado chicken, pig roasts and stake dinners...being spoiled.

Sierra has been asking to try a macaron so we found a little French bakery called Au Peche Mignon. Their macarons were $2.55 each so they both got two different ones to try. Sierra tried lavendar and strawberry shortcake and Aayla tried pistachio and birthday cake. Sierra ended up not really liking the ones she tried but if she had to pick a favourite she said the lavendar one; which was Ians favourite too. I liked the pistachio the best and Aayla liked the birthday cake.

 We've been busy playing Fuzeball, hot tubbing, bowling, playing games and visiting local parks which I'll do separate posts well as just hanging out with our friends.

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