Sunday, January 24, 2016

On the road again!

It seems like forever ago we sold our last house and moved across the country...

In November we were approached by our real estate agents asking if we were thinking of selling as she said they had someone possibly interested...long story short; they put in an offer and we left our sticks and bricks home on Jan 21st for a life on the road for the next while.

So what will we do? Well we have put everything into storage that we didn't need with us in the camper and are heading towards Florida...bye bye snow.

A couple days before we left I realized the girls Nexus were valid but their passports expired just before Christmas so we had to put in a rush order for them. That left us picking up the passports on the day we had to exit our house so after picking up their passports we spent our first night on the road at a friends work near Toronto. It's cold here in Toronto and we needed a little extra electricity so as to not ware down our batteries or freeze. We are very appreciative of the help.

In the morning we got up and headed to Service Ontario to change our drivers license, health card addresses etc and then headed to Toledo Ohio to visit friends for our second night.

Everyone had a great game of indoor hockey.

The girls loved the park by their house. Thankfully it was sunny as it was chilly but they had way less snow in Toledo then we did in Wasaga Beach.

There ended up being a very bad storm where we were supposed to be driving the next day so we stayed a second night. We visited Camping World and BasPro and got a new Barbeque and camping chairs as ours needing replacing. The girls always love looking at all the animals at BasPro.

We went to Skyzone with our friends and the kids all had a blast.

 Sadly we had to leave...but we plan on stopping by on the way back to Ontario in May. Aayla and Jackson became great little friends. Aayla is however quite excited to be heading towards our Friends Dawn and Arin in Tallahassee and drew them many pictures on the white board while driving.

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