Sunday, July 20, 2014

Fulltime Families Summer Scavenger hunt week 1

Last year we participated in the Fulltime Families      Summer Scavenger Hunt but I didn't keep track of our own photos so this year I thought I would share them here. It was a lot of fun and full of craziness trying to complete all the tasks. This scavenger hunt is fun because she leaves the description open for your interpretation just as long as it fits with what the tasks asks you to do. We joined full time families when we started our maiden voyage. Our hopes have been to spent 6 months travelling and 6 months in Canada but we haven't made it there yet...but it still is our goal!

Here are the first weeks tasks to find:
We started off with a trial practice photo. It was to be a family photo with fake moustaches.

1) "I can't believe we all fit in here!" 600 
Sierra came up with this idea all by herself and scored us 100 bonus points too!

2) Picture a live farm animal 350

3) Picture of a fountain 200

4) Picture IN a fountain 500

5) Crossing the street in a cross walk 250
As we raced to get groceries we stopped at the lights, jumped out and took this picture and raced away. By the looks on the people in the cars watching us...they thought we were crazy!

6) In an elevator 300

While we were in Barrie during the week we meant to stop by the Dr's office to get a picture but with all the flat tires that day we ran out of time. Today we went over to the senior residence and explained to them about our scavenger hunt and asked if we could use their elevator...they said yes thankfully :) She said it was old but operational.

7) Decked out in Sporting Equipment 450 
Snorkling's a sport right?

8) If you’re family was a ‘family band’ 700

We added our neighbours daughter as an honorary family band member
Aayla is on drums, I've got a Mohawk rattle, Sierra's on the mini guitar, Ian's rocking the maracas and Our neighbour was shaking some bells but I just noticed it's not in the pic.

9) Swinging on a playground swing set 400

10) Jumping on a trampoline  600

11) A fire hydrant 200

12) A cactus 400

Decor in Sierra's toad's cage

13) A palm tree 400

We tried to find a real palm tree at the garden centres but no luck so we found some at the beach park.

14) A Christmas tree 400 
OK I know this picture is lame. I wanted to set it up and decorate it but time did not permit this week.

15) Eating an ice cream by an ice cream sign 800

16) In front of a grocery store 200

17) The parents in the kids play area at a fast food restaurant 600 

18) Playing video games 200 

19) An aquarium full of fish 450

20) With a grocery cart 200 (500 bonus points if a team member is in the cart)

21) With one of those little car rides outside grocery stores 300

22) Caution tape 200

She may look cute but watch out! She can explode!

23) An insect 200 (+500 if you identify the insect) 

We moved our tent and found lots of ants making tunnels and one dead june bug

24) Park bench 300

25) Jump rope 200

BONUS1 WEB Challenge:  Go to to complete this task and post your screen capture + your pic to get your points: "Are you the Queen of your RV?" This is just right for you! Find it at Take a picture in a crown along with a screenshot of what you found. 1000 pts!

We are all Queens of our trailer :)
We had a busy week but managed to complete all the tasks just in the nick of time and are looking forward to seeing what tasks are coming in the next 3 weeks!

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