Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Inspirational Quotes and Travel Photos

This morning I read an article called 9 Truths you should know by now that I found very inspirational.

I loved the first quote in it so much that it sent me on a search of my photos of our travels looking for one picture in particular...a picture of a heart shaped cactus. This quote immediately made me think of this picture because the heart shaped cactus full of love, warmth and goodness is covered in a prickly lesson. I made it and shared it on the facebook page for my other blog Imagination Station.

After I posted the above photo I continued looking through photos and reminiscing about past travels. As I searched through the pictures other quotes popped into my head and well I got a bit carried away creating inspirational quote pictures...

All this is good timing though as this week is National Park Week in the States and I so wish we were close to a National Park so we could visit instead of just reminisce.

I will add a link to show you where each picture came from in case you want to see other photos from the places shown.

Arches National Park...see my post HERE.
There are more photos from my hike to Delicate Arch shown above HERE  which also is the post for Goblin State Park where the photo below is from.
Bryce Canyon National park... my posts HERE and HERE.
Grand Canyon National posts HERE.
There are more Grand Canyon pics HERE as well as the post for Horseshoe Bend pictured below.
Canyonlands National Park was rainy and wet when we visited (see HERE)but still beautiful.
This sunset at Rockhound State park was one of my favourite sunsets ever and somehow I didn't even post a picture of it except in the review I did  HERE. That is the problem with taking so many never make use of them all.
I Loved our time spent at Assateague Island National Seashore and seeing all the wild horses. Lots more pictures HERE. This is a place I will spend more time at the next time we are in the area.
The beautiful red beaches at North Rustico Beach in the PEI National Park can be seen HERE.
The lushness on this trail at Clam Harbour Beach Park in NS was magical... post found HERE.

We loved snorkling with the manatees with Birds Underwater Tours in Florida...HERE.

and this last picture came from us trying to get a bit of reprieve from the heat at Amistad National recreation Area...see HERE.

See all the above mentioned National Parks we visited HERE plus lots more posts of other National Parks we visited! If you live near a US National Park don't forget this is National Parks week...find out more info HERE.

1 comment:

  1. Hy
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