Sunday, January 19, 2014

FREE admission days to National Parks in 2014

The first FREE day to visit the US National Parks in 2014 is TOMORROW January 20th. Click the picture below to see the rest of the FREE days for 2014 and start planning your travels today!
If you can't make the free days but have plans to visit a couple National Parks this year I highly recommend buying their America the Beautiful Pass for National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands.

We did on our Maiden Voyage and made so much use of it! Click the picture below of us at Old Faithful Geyser in Yellowstone and you will link to all 21 posts of our National Park visits on our Maiden Voyage.

Next winter when we hope hit the road again an America the Beautiful pass will be one of the first purchases we buy for it. I'm extra excited about it now because my girls are now old enough to fully participate in the Jr Ranger programs.

Not all National Parks offer Jr Ranger programs but many do. The site pictured below explains in detail about the Jr Ranger Programs and his (Sam Maslow's) journey of collecting 325 badges, patches and buttons at the time of this posting. In July 2011 he was awarded a certificate of excellence for his volunteer work with promoting the Jr ranger program.

A wonderful resource for anyone with children...especially those homeschooling, unschooling or roadschooling.

Don't forget if you are near any National Parks TOMORROW you get in for free and for a list of other FREE days in 2014 chick HERE!

Happy travels everyone!!!

Friday, January 17, 2014

Space saving RV storage ideas

Looking for space saving ideas for your RV? Click on the picture below to check out 44 brilliant space saving storage solutions for your RV/Camper.

Here are some of my own favourites I've found that weren't included above but I think they are worth a mention:

Storage space under chair seats
Found HERE
Love this CD rack turned sideways to hold bathroom essentials.
Found HERE
Storage solutions with command products. This post uses them for spices, remotes, pens and more.
Found HERE
I love the suitcase used for storage...but the link was broken so I am not sure where it came from.
I'm the manager at McBride's RV and boat storage in Chino California. We provide the best affordable RV storage Orange County for every type of RV user. We have been voted the number one RV storage facility for more then 5 years running. Offering boat storage and vehicle storage for people who want quality RV parking is an important part of taking care of the community. We make sure that are prices are low and the service is great. Go to for more information 
First aid kit in a small organizer box. I've also seen these containers used for battery storage or easy access craft supplies for kids.
Found HERE
 Space saving closet organization.
Also you can use shower rings on a hanger to hold hats, belts and scarves.
Found HERE
Memo center inside cupboard door
Found HERE
Create around the bed storage
Found HERE
 Using square containers instead of original food containers saves lots of space
and they are much easier to access.
Found HERE
What is your best RV space saving tip?

Monday, January 13, 2014

Amazing deal from Fulltime families and Legoland...even if you aren't a member

I've been away from this blog for awhile but it isn't abandoned. We have moved across the country and then moved again within the province and have spent a year renovating a home on the river. We are staying put this winter but hope to travel again next winter when i will get back to writing reviews of our travels. For now I wanted to share this great deal I just saw but it ends today so hopefully some of you can make use of it.

We are Fulltime Family Members (we will get back on the road) and I receive emails from them and wanted to share this one for Legoland Florida.
They have an amazing deal on right now for members and another great deal even if you aren't a fulltime member. So if you are in Florida now or will be there at the end of January check out this deal!