Friday, February 3, 2012


The sticker just went up!

It's hard to believe that it has all happened so quickly. We had an accepted offer 7 hours after the first showing and now they removed their subjects early so it's SOLD! Packing and selling and simplifying life begins :) Yeah for the next chapter of our lives! So exciting!!!


  1. that was so quick!..congrats to you all!..happy packing..sure hope that when the time comes for us ours sells that quickly..but I somehow doubt it!

  2. Oh that is awesome!!! I'm so happy for you guys :)

  3. I'm excited to read more about the beginning of your journey. Congratulations on selling your house. If you're ever looking for campgrounds or travel destinations, check out They list RV camper information from all over America. You can find campgrounds, shows, rallies and even dealerships on RV123. Check it out, I think you'll like it.
