Sunday, October 9, 2011

Happy Birthday Aayla and Happy Thanksgiving to all

Happy Birthday sweet Aayla!!!
We celebrated yesterday with a tea party with family and friends.

House painting is coming a long slowly but surely (the blue trim will disappear and become a dark brown, as will the gutters)

but now we are going to be taking a bit of a break. Today we will have a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner with family and then Ian and I are heading to Jamaica for a week of rest and relaxation all by ourselves!

So Happy Thanksgiving everyone and we'll be back in a week or so :)


  1. Happy birthday Aalaya!..Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Vacation to you just come back and post a blog and now you are leaving again!!..have a great time in Jamaica!!!

  2. Happy Belated Birthday Aayla! Hope you had a great Thanksgiving and enjoy your holiday in Jamaica.

    Kevin and Ruth
