Tuesday, September 13, 2011

what have we been up to?

It is hard to believe that we have been home for almost 3 weeks now and this is the first I have sat down to update the blog!

Arriving at home after traveling for over 4 months and over 29,000km's was bitter sweet. The last days before arriving I was not excited at all. Our maiden voyage was coming to an end :(  Boo hoo I just wanted to cry!

However our trip this summer has solidified a couple things for us.

1. Our dream to build an Earthship... is destined to be more then a dream. You can read my post HERE about our time we spent in Taos at the Earthship community. We have been dreaming of building an Earthship for a couple of years but after spending time in an actual Earthship during our trip we now know for positively sure that we WILL build one. We just have to finalize if it will be built in BC or Ontario.

2. Our desire to travel...is not over. We spent just over 4 months on the road and LOVED it so much we decided before even returning home that we couldn't go back to life as we know it. We want to travel more and see more of what this world has to offer. So few of us are able to live our dreams when we are young; I feel so very fortunate that our business and hardwork creating them enables us to live our dreams now.

Building an Earthship also helps our travel goals as once built we will be able to travel in the winters and afford to leave a "home" behind while living on the road for 6 months of the year. Our Earthship home will take care of it'self and we won't have all those hydro and gas bills anymore to worry about and get the best of both worlds :)

Yes it is good to return home to something solid but home is really where you "make" it and our trailer while travelling was our home while on the road and we can't wait to live in it more permanently. We learned to adapt to living in a 35 foot trailer and didn't miss our 3600 sq ft house at all. After returning home and getting back into the swing of "normal" living there was a brief moment of "oh do I really want to sell our home?" but that lasted all of 1 day.

So now the selling begins...and in my living room which once looked like this
Our living room a couple years ago when we were considering selling
and then decided not to so the picture shows mls in corner :)

Now is full of all my supplies and equipment left over from one of our centres we closed a couple years ago and all my theme boxes I have been collecting and adding to for the last 22 years in the childcare field and looks more like this
And this doesn't even show everything...our foyer is full too!
SooOOooo as you can see I have been busy this past few weeks since we've returned home and have neglected this blog. I do plan on writing posts here to keep semi up to date on how the sale of all our stuff is going, how fixing up the house to sell is going, our decision where we want to buy land for the Earthship, then of course it will continue on with life in our RV for the next 3 or so years as we gradually build our Earthship, and then as we travel in our RV every winter after our Earthship is built...so as you can see we have a few loose ends to take care of before our next journey but we hope you stick around for the ride!