Monday, August 22, 2011

Yellowstone National Park

I feel like I am lying by saying we went to Yellowstone National Park today as we spent about 4 hours there instead of the recommended 4 days!

We didn't see most of the park but since we were just passing through on our way home we were happy to see what we saw and it left us wanting more. We will definitively be coming back to Yellowstone on one of our winter travels for sure!

Shortly after we entered the park we saw a Bison.

We called them buffalo all day but as I am writing this I decided to google the difference between Bison and Buffalo as I thought they were the same thing. What I call a Buffalo is actually a Bison. If you'd like to learn the difference take a look at  THIS SITE.

Here are some of the sites we saw today in the park

But our main focus as we passed through was of course Old Faithful and faithful she was! As we pulled in to park we could see her erupting above the trees :(
 We decided to go see the exhibits at the Visitors Centre and go have some lunch as we had 1 1/2 hours before the next expected eruption.

Aayla of course found the hats first thing :)
The rangers predict her eruption with in +/- 10 minutes and they were bang on today.

The crowds watching Old faithful Erupt
As we continued on out of the park we saw a lone elk resting by the river

and lots more beautiful scenery.

Sierra drew her first Owls today...
Awwww I LOVE Owls :)
and these ones are adorable!

A steam spout along the highway

 Then we came upon this herd of Elk.

There were many fishermen through the park

We tried to stop at Mammoth Springs as well but it was very busy and we couldn't find a place to park our 56' so we continued on knowing we would be back again soon to spend a few days in this great National Park and would get to see everything we had to drive by today.

Tonight we got in a bit later then expected to yet another Walmart in Butte Montana. There were a few RV's parked here and even a tent! I must say that's a first for us, seeing a tent at Walmart!

I always go in and ask Customer Service if it is OK to stay the night. Tonight the lady said to me "Of course dear" as if she couldn't imagine why any Walmart would say no. Thankfully most say yes as they sure are helpful when passing through from one place to the next, especially when we are speeding home!

Saying home sounds so weird as when we get "home" we won't be staying for long. After this 4 month trip we have discovered we can easily live in our small space. We would much prefer to have the freedom to travel and if giving up our "home" is necessary to do it; then so be it as "Home" is where you make it anyway ;)

We want to hit the road again. I'm afraid a typical home just wont cut it for us any longer...well at least for a few years if we can ever decide to buy land and build our earthship. I guess earthships aren't quite typical either. Even in our earthship we will be snowbirds for sure as the travel bug has bit us hard! We look forward to winter travelling soon but staying in places long enough to really get to know an area instead of whirl winding through like we have on this trip.

Today we only traveled 550KM's. Waiting for Old faithful to erupt today knocked off some good driving time but it was so worth it! Tomorrow we hope to get somewhere past Spokane and then it's a straight run for "home"...well after a quick stop at the Outlets :)


  1. I guess Old Faithful is just that 'predictable'! about a whirlwind trip through Yellowstone!! travels as you head towards Spokane..can't believe it has been four months already!!

  2. Wonderful wildlife pictures. I think I enjoyed the wildlife in the park the most.

  3. Sue and Doug: I can hardly believe 4 months has flown by as well and am having a hard time with returning home tomorrow...I just don't want it to end. It has been amazing!

    Chuck and Anneke: I am glad you enjoyed the wildlife. I wish I stopped to get better pictures of the herd of elk but the road was too crazy as you can imagine!

  4. Gorgeous! I can't wait to hit Yellowstone and Yosemite.
