Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Wasaga Beach visit one

After leaving Kingston we headed out to Wasga Beach with one stop planned in Trenton to visit an old friend. However I didn't realize how short of a drive it was from Kingston to Eric's so by the time I left him a message saying we were on our way, to the time we arrived...we missed him :( About 45 minutes past Trenton, Eric called after returning home and we decided we would try to get together later in our Ontario visit.

Sorry to have missed you Eric but I am positive we will find a way to get together soon to catch up. (Eric lived 3 houses down from where I grew up in Torbrook Mines and other then good old facebook we haven't seen eachother since grade 6!)

Off we continued to Wasaga Beach to visit my dad. Dad has been in Ontario for many years but in December he moved from Peterborough to Wasaga Beach.
My Dad and step mom Bev
We of course spent time at the beach. Ian has finally proved his point to me. The lakes here in Ontario are so much warmer then in BC. Our lakes in BC are beautiful, usually surrounded by gorgeous mountains...and all glacier fed and therefore freezing!
Dad and Aayla wading in
A few years ago Bev found her son (whom the dad had abducted when he was little) and instantly had 2 beautiful grandchildren...MaKayla and Chloe who just happened to be visiting when we arrived and are staying for a week or so.
Chloe, Aayla, MaKayla and Sierra having fun at the beach

Sierra, Chloe and MaKayla surfing while Ian and Rob keep a look out...
either on the kids or at girls going by ;) who knows

Aayla wanting to try out her surf board like the big girls

MaKayla and Aayla...they were instantly the best of friends

We spent a couple of days here catching up and spending time at the beach. We will use Wasaga Beach as our homebase and will come and go from here to visit other family, friends and look for land near the Muskoka's while we are in Ontario.

This past week we have traveled to Barrie to visit Ian's brother Mark for the night.
Sierra trying to rollerskate with a little help from Daddy and Uncle Mark

Mark and Corey have some vacation time this week (and also they are kidless this week) so the next day they came to visit us at Wasaga Beach along with Ed and Heather (Ed was the master of ceremonies at our wedding and Ian is good friends with Heather from highschool) and we had a great day together at the beach.

Aayla making a sandcastle in Auntie Corey's hand :)

Aayla's the queen of her castle

Sierra having a blast on the turtle with daddy while Uncle Mark chases her

I am so impressed with how well Aayla is now doing in the water

Daddy and Sierra relaxing and watching Aayla swim

Whoooooaaaaaa! Surfing Aayla

Sierra and Ed hanging out on Mr Turtle

Ed taking Mattea and Sierra for a ride on Mr Turtle

Heather and Nella

We are still trying to figure out who had more fun out there...the girls or Ed

Cheese Nella!

Cheese Aayla

Aayla is worn out from a long day at the beach

Uncle Mark is burying Sierra
 Uncle Mark playing a trick on Sierra...everytime she went to sit down, he'd pull the chair and she'd fall...gotta love uncles!   :)

Mark made up for it...he pulled Sierra around the beach spelling her name
and then of course Aayla needed a turn too!

Look mom we spelled my name

We also spent time this week looking at some acerage. There was one I liked with a river but we walked the wrong way because we came to an abandoned house that wasn't on the property listing so the realator will look into it further and we will so see it again.

We saw a couple other ones we liked as well. One with a seasonal pond and rock outcrops, but not really any area to make into a pasture or hay field easily.

This grassy area is a big pond in the spring
but gradually dries up over the summer

Sierra the explorer trecking through the ferns

Mr Toad

Aayla rock climbing

And another very thickly wooded 97 acres.

Indian Smoke Pipes

A tiny little tree frog
 Which across the main road there was another 44 acres with this bit of cleared land and a lake made on it so we got to envision what the land could look like with a lot of work.

When we got back to dad's after seeing the properties I quickly put Aayla to work stacking wood...she might as well get used to it :)

 When her stacking wood chores were done she got to spend some time playing with MaKayla :)
Tomorrow we head to Orangeville for a few days to see Ed and Heather and then we are off to London to go camping with them for the long weekend. Hopefully we will get to see Jay and Liz tomorrow too. Next week after camping we will be back in Wasaga Beach for another little visit.

Ian and I have basically decided that we probably won't buy land here right now even if we see the perfect lot as it would be a shame to buy it then have to leave and not come back for a year. Instead we are getting a feel for areas we like and will go back and look at land in BC again aswell while we pack up and sell off the house this winter before making any final decsions as to where we want to build our earthship.

We probably won't have internet while camping so I might not be back for a week...until then safe travels, happy journeys to you all.

Warm welcome wishes to Ira and Vicky. Thank you for joining us on our journey. If you have a link back to a blog of your own, let me know as I'd love to go check yours out too.


  1. welcome back..I have missed your posts!..looks like you have all been busy!..nice to see the smiling faces once again!..have fun camping!!!

  2. Another post with awesome pics! glad to see your enjoying yourself in Ontario :) Looking forward to having you guys here forever! hehehe ;)

  3. Those are nice pictures of your family's beach vacation. It's good to see that your young girls have been exposed to the forest early and have learned how to conserve it.

    Donna Parsley
