Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Wishing you well "Little Brooke"

We received news this morning that "Little Brooke" Ian's neice was in a serious motorbike accident a couple days ago in Toronto while out practicing safe turns and hit a guard rail. She was airlifted to Sickids and is starting to stabilize thankfully. We are crossing our fingers that after all the damage she has heels she will be OK. She is very fortunate that the ambulance attended quickly and could keep her punctured lung breathing before being airlifted to Sickids and so far it's looking like they prevented braindamage. We will hopefully have more news by the time we leave here so we can decide to boot it to Ontario and then go to Nova Scotia or keep on the planned route. We are thinking of you "Little Brooke" and wishing you a speedy recovery.

Magic Wand

I wish I had a magic wand
To make it go away;
I'd wave my scepter over you
Until you were okay.

I'd think good thoughts; I'd send you love;
I'd transmit healing vibes;
My wand and I would surely beat
Whatever the doc prescribes.

But there is no magic scepter, so
I cannot cast a spell;
Just know you're often in my thoughts,
And I hope you'll soon be well!

By Joanna Fuchs

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