Friday, June 10, 2011

Our first few days at Walt Disney World

***WARNING this is a LONGGGGG post as I try to play catch up before this upcoming week engulfs me and I get tooooo far behind. My apologies for the typos before you get to them. I am typing quickly trying to get this done before getting a few hours sleep before heading to the park again***

We didn't tell the girls where we were headed but it has been our plan all along to be at Disney for Sierras 5th birthday on the 13th. So when we were driving and were getting close and seeing things like this

We asked the girls to look out their windows and tell us if they saw anything that looked like it would be fun t go to for a few days?

When they saw the first sign they looked like this...if I had audio you'd hear screams of joy!!!

We arrived at Fort Wilderness Resort and Campground

on Tuesday afternoon and headed straight for the Meadow swimming pool.

This campground is right in the Magic Kingdom and we like it so much that we have extended our stay from 9 nights to 12 nights so we can stay at the campground and enjoy everything here on the weekends and avoid the parks on Saturday and Sundays.

Everynight they have a campfire with Chip and Dale.

You can roast marshmellow (you bring your own or buy a kit for $12! No one said coming to Disney was's fun but they sure know how to separate your money from your wallet!)

We forgot to buy marshmellows before coming but NO I didn't pay $12 for the kit. A wonderful grandma sitting behind us took pity on our kids and had her daughter make them both one since she was a grandma she was allowed to buy the kit for her grandchildren ;)

Chocolate is a rare treat for Sierra and she is savouring it!!!

Then there is a sing along.

Chip surprised Sierra and sat down right beside her

Time to do the Hokey Pokey
Then it's time for an out door movie on the big screen.

and watched Tron on the outdoor theatre screen and while walking home Sierra spotted our newest pet...Mr Toad.

A fun first day for sure and we haven't even hit the parks yet.

Wednesday we got up and headed to Magic Kingdom. At the Marina at Fort Wilderness you catch a boat (one with a green flag) for a direct trip to Magic Kingdom.

 Look who we saw first thing :) Sierra didn't want their signatures at first because she says they are "mean" but by the time it was our turn she changed her mind.
 The carousel is always a favourite.
 Then as we were going around to ride again we found Mary Poppins.

 Sierra and daddy went to ride the Snow White ride and Aayla and me went to see Pinnochio. Aayla was a little timid without her big sister there to lead the way.
 On to it's a small world

 And even though we are in the middle of a ride, Aayla says she's hungry!
Aayla asking for a snack on the ride...
that girl eats constantly!!!

Daddy and Sierra on Splash Mountain

LOVE that Sierra closes her eyes :)

She wants to go it's mommies turn

We both hold on this time.

Waiting for our turn with Goofy

It's still morning but Aayla is out for a nap
already. Too much excitement

Engarde there mateys

On Aladdins magic carpet ride

Yeah we got to see Jasmine,
 we missed her at Disneyland at Christmas.

Jungle River Ride
 And then we found Ariel. She was at the parade but was going to return in about 45 minutes so we parked and buts down and waited. This Ariel remembered Sierra from Disneyland and asked her for another dance. Sierra was tickled pink!

 Then it was time to wait for Dumbo...about 45 minutes...sure wish it had a fastpass :)

 Then it was tme to head back to the campsite for dinner, and a little time on the playground...a long but fun day. Sierra was so cute on this boat ride pretending she was the captain, driving her life saver steering wheel and walking up and down the isles checking for seat belts.

 Just enough time to say goodnight to Mr Toad.

Thursday we went to Animal Kingdom. To get there it was two different buses.

 Sierra enjoying watching the horses as we wait for our second bus.

 First we headed out on the Safari ride too see the animals before the heat of the day makes them hide. Disney also carts the animals inside everyday starting at around 4:00 they are all transported back to the holding areas for the night.


It was fun to watch this mama and baby elephant play

My sleepy Lion King

 Then off to the Kali River Rapids and ou our way we found...

 Sierra went on the River Ride with Daddy once and got soaked and she wouldn't go again. This dino ride however was riden MANY times!

 I can't remember what Aayla was so mad about here but I thought she looked so cute in her desperate state. Wo is me!
 At this playground Aayla climbed up to the top of this slide and came down all by herself. The first time she did it I was following behind her and she booted it to the slide while I was climbing up a rope ladder and went down. When I got to the top I asked the kids if she went down and they said yes. I expected to find her at the bottom crying but she was halfway up again by the time I got I sat and watched...I guess she's OK to go alone!

 The Festival of the Lion King was a great show

 When leaving the show both Lilo and Stitch were out but by the time we got up there Lilo had to leave :(
 Next stop the parade...but first Sierra tries to rescue a dragonfly that keeps flying and landing on it's back??? No luck.
 While waiting for the parade Sierra stopped a lady cleaning the street and gave her some garbage. The lady gave her a pin for helping and Sierra asked for one for her sister too (she can be a good big sister sometimes) they both got Disney pins. Tinkerbell for Sierra and Minnie Mouse for Aayla.

This parade is a neat one with beautiful floats that look like animals.

The tree of life

 Petting the goats and sheep at the petting zoo.

Friday we went to Hollywood Studios. Sierra was disappointed that this storm trooper was up on the roof as she wanted his signature :)

On our way into a crazy busy park

First stop The Little Mermaid Show

 Then off to get a fast pass for The Toy Story Midway ride. At 9:45 the line up was already 90 minutes. So we got a fast pass for later but our return time wasn't until 5:00!!! CRAZY!!! (when we returned at 5:00 to go on...the wait time was 130 minutes...that's just insane!)
 So we went to see Buzz and Woody for their autograph's. I forogt their books today so we bought one more book, got everyone to sign twice and I'll cut them out and add them to their proper books later.
Waiting to go in to see Woddy and Buzz

Ahhh save me daddy!

If only.... no just kidding. I love my little terror!

 The storm troopers don't stay in one place so Sierra ran up to one to get there autograph since everytime a line started to form they would bolt.

 We didn't wait in line for Chewy or the Ewoke :(
 Darth Vader past us by
 His line up was HUGE!!! Sierra really loves Darth Vader ever since the superbowl comerical this year. After taking the backstage tram ride his wait time was down. 1/2 an hour until he returned from lucnh and then about a 25 minute wait for our turn.
Darth Vader using the photographers head as a table.
He was lots of fun to watch

Sierra trying to use the force on Darth luck

Darth Vader using the force on daddy
 Parade time

Then off to see the Beauty and the Beast performance

This ones for you Memo!
 A long day again. Looking forward to relaxing at the pool this weekend.

1 comment:

  1. fabulous!!!..what a long post! goodness!..hope you managed to relax on the weekend!!
