Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Francis Marion National Forest Camping at Honey Hill

We left Goergia and headed into South Carolina this morning. We stopped today around lunch at Camping World for some roof sealant Ian will need to yes...puncture the roof to add the solar panels we ordered while at Disney. We are still pondering the puncturing but since we have a rubberized roof we have little choice...If you have another idea please feel free to share it with us :)

We drove onward today in search of a boondocking spot in the Francis Marion National Forest. The national forests on this coast are weird. There are places with private residences and we drove through a small town called Honey Hill right up the road as well. Small towns in national Forests??? I don't get it?
This sign snuck up on me and I almost missed it...
please excuse the corner with the mirror :)
 Below is our campsite. It really is more of a hunting camp but it worked well for us for the night and would have even been good as a base camp if you wanted to do any nearby touring. There are only maybe 8 or so sites here and most of them small. We of course took the largest one here and only had one neighbour. The best thing about this actual campground...it's FREE and you can stay for up to 14 days.

Sierra walking back from the trail behind our campsite
 Aayla loves playing in the leaves.

We caught a new pet...let me please introduce...Fasty the 2nd AKA real fast or super fast! He's a Green Anole and changes colour from green to brown.

 This poor little guy has had a rough life...once upon a time he lost a front hand. He manages to scurry along quite fast though and I was amazed to have caught him. He's a bit on the skinny side, perhaps his leg causes him a bit of trouble afteral.

I'd like to welcome Ellie Great to our blog as our newest follower.

I'd like to say a THANKYOU to Rick of Rick and Paulette's RV Travels as he recently wrote a post about all the issues some people have been experiencing with blogger and leaving comments. I have had a horrible time trying to leave comments and even respond to comments on my own blog. After making a few changes he suggested in THIS POST all seems to be fine now. Thanks again Rick for the help. Much appreciated! If you are having troubles pop on over and take a look...for that matter if you don't follow them already maybe you want to do that too. Rick is a wealth of computer information :)

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