Saturday, June 4, 2011

Clearwater Beach and Pier 60

This morning we got up early and headed straight to Clearwater Beach and Pier 60. We wanted to ensure we got a parking spot and we did. Parking was $12.50 all day and evening. Far better then $10 for 2 hours the guy wanted last night and WAY cheaper then parking at home.

As Ian was collecting some other items from the truck a policeman came up to him...uhoh..what did we do? The policeman asked if he had someone with a handicap in the car as we had left the hangtag in the window from before. Ian said, "yes, my wife". The policeman told him that people with disabilities don't have to pay for parking in Florida. He couldn't do anything about the fact that we already paid but for furure parking...we don't need to pay! I say what??? Free parking? Not only does the wonderful sun replenish my body with vitamin D to help my MS but I get to park for free??? BONUS! And what's better yet, even though we parked in a regular spot and not the handicap spot, it still would count just as long as the tag is hanging in the window. I LOVE Florida!

We set up on the beach and then the girls wanted to head to the playground first.

There are a few nice sized playgrounds. These two are covered
and nice and cool with the shade and a small breeze.

On the way back we stopped and bought a beach turtle. By far the best $15 we've spent on a toy in awhile. We all had lots of fun with Mr Turtle and surprisingly enough, it can hold all 4 of us at the same time.

Sierra mid bound as she leaps onto Mr Turtle

"this is no fair...aayla gets a turn and I don't!" Meanwhile
you saw all the pictures above with Sierra having her turn...

"Guess I'll just have to sit here and wait"

We spent all day at the beach. The water was so warm.

Playing in the sand,

 collecting shells, swimming

...but mainly swimming with our turtle.

"Me, Me, Me I do it all by myself!"

As the sun was setting we packed up and headed to the pier as daddy packed up and headed out to watch the hockey game.

mmmm pizza for dinner

The colour of the sun was gorgeous as it set tonight. At one point the sky was very colourful but the main attraction was the sun it'self for sure. A pure ball of colour.

At Pier 60 they play a family movie at an outdoor movie theatre screen. Tonights movie was The Green Hornet which Sierra wasn't interested in so we set off back to the trailer. Ian returned home shortly after us with great news...we won game 2 in overtime!!! Yeah!!! Go Canucks Go!! Thankfully we get the next 2 games on Satelitte so he doesn't have to go out to watch the game and then we will be at shhhhhh....Disney and have cable there if we need it :) However tonights bill for 4 beers, a rum and coke and Shepards Pie his total was only $23.00...not bad at all :)

Now to decide...go back to Clearwater beach tomorrow because we had so much fun there or drive down and check out St Pete's Beach? Decisions decisions with life on the road ;)


  1. another great day in your world! Mr. Turtle!..he is a fine addition to your travelling family!!..beautiful sunset photos once again!..did you say 'Disney?' that will be fun!!

  2. Yes 2 more sleep til Disney! An expensive but worth it holiday within our holiday :) Sierra turns 5 while we are there so a special birthday party for her away from friends and family.

  3. I surprise greatly when I saw your blog.Really what a nice blog!Clearwater Beach is a bustling beach town with plenty of opportunities to enjoy the sand, sun and water sports that the Gulf Coast is famous for. Locals and visitors alike enjoy Pier 60, one of the most popular fishing piers in the Sunshine State. Pier 60 has an attractive boardwalk, a large playground and a concession area.

    For further information visit
    Vacation Rentals In Clearwater
