Friday, June 24, 2011

Assateague Island National Seashore

As a child I read Misty of Chincoteague and many other of Marguerite Henry's books and dreamed of going to Assateague to find my own wild horse...I mean what child doesn't dream of that?

Today that dream became half a reality...we got to go to Assateague Island National Seashore.

We saw a few horses in the distance

but headed to the Rangers station to try our luck at a campground. Nope, so we drove back out to the Assateague State Park to see if they had any camping spots and nope. So we headed back to the Assateague National Seashore.  Our America the Beautiful Pass covered the $15 entrance fee.

For those of you starting to get tired of seeing our warm water beach adventures have no fear this beach was COLD so you don't have to be jealous of the warm wonderful waters anymore! Cold or not the girls had fun and I jumped in the waves a few times myself.

 Aayla made a slide in a big hole

 And we saw many dolphins swim by. This was a group of probably 10 or more.

 Sierra got chilly so she snuggled up with daddy

Then we headed back out of the park in search of a place to get closer to the horses. You are not allowed to touch, feed, harass, chase etc the ponies but you are allowed to get within 10' of them. Within minutes we came across many!

(believe it or not I have many more pictures of this mom and foal...can you tell I was excited to see the foal???)
The horses roam the roads and cause traffic jams of those taking pictures and of those who just can't move :)

The dark Stallion in the background of the picture below walked out in the raod and stuck his head right in a cars window!!!

We saw this dead snake while walking...we assume it was trampled by the horses.

These horses above walked right by us and one came up to sniff Sierra but I was changing my scandisc card and missed it all I got was the one below of them now in the distance.
Here the horses are walking by us as we are getting ready to leave...I secretly hope one will pop their head into our window...Ian hopes they don't!

I could have stayed for a week watching the ponies and would have gladly paid the camping fees...another trip we will reserve ahead of time for sure!

Unfortunately it was time to leave :(    We drove North and stopped at a rest stop in Smyrna just off of the 13 (North of Dover) It's a nice little rest stop; very clean. We made supper, the girls played on the playground

and then I saw a tick on Aayla. I quickly picked it off and saw another one. We then headed back to the trailer to find 2 more on Aayla and one on Sierra.

These ones didn't come off so easily. Nasty little bugs!!! Aayla had a really hard time staying still and we couldn't get the tick's head out so it looks like we are rushing up to Canada to go to the doctors. We researched on line as I was prepared to go straight to the hospital here but from online research it looks like we will be OK to wait a couple days until we get back into Canada and have her checked out for Lyme disease. I am sure she is fine but better safe then sorry. We'll keep an eye out on the area until we arrive in Canada early next week. Since we will now arrive to NS before my mom even fly's there we will probably head to PEI first...who knows, plans seem to change daily with life on the road.


  1. great shots of the horses! for the tick!?..did you get it out eventually?..or is it still in there?

  2. Yikes! Ticks are scary things. I remember my Dad "operating" on me with tweezers when I was nine to get rid of a tick that had found its way to the base of my neck. Major ouch! The sort of funny thing is that they told me it was a mistake and that it was only a freckle in the end. Oops. I only found out as an adult a few years ago that it was really a tick, and they just didn't want to scare me. Oh, parents.

    Anyway, gorgeous photos of the horses! Lucky you guys. :-)

  3. Love those baby horse shots. Nice. Sounds like you guys are having great fun! Well, except for the ticks.

  4. Thank you all! It was a magical day for me to be there and hopefully down the road again some day I can return and camp there and just be with the horses some more ;)
