Friday, May 6, 2011

More Bryce Canyon, Capitol Reef National Park and BLM camping

We woke up this morning and went back to Bryce Canyon. Entrance fees to Bryce Canyon are now $25. I had heard that it was $15 recently so the price has gone up I guess. (same price now as the Grand Canyon) This fee was covered with our America the Beautiful Pass which can be purchased HERE or at most National Parks.


The girls getting their "beauty sleep"!

Aayla riding her horsey just like her big sister
 If you don't have a pass and you don't really want to pay the $25 entrance fee there is a little secret. Well not really a secret as the park posts "Fairyland" on your map and even put a sign to it on the way out, but on the way in there is no sign, so you drive by, pay and enter the park. However if you drive up to the pay stations, turn around and head back from where you came from, watch the right hand side of the road. There will be a sign for Fairyland. Follow it to the end and park. There are trails that lead into the main park from here which would even get you into the rest of the park I believe if you are wanting a long hike. If not, here's a glimpse at what you will see at Fairyland for FREE.

 From here we headed back out to the number 12 towards Escalante through some ever changing scenery. It was an impressive drive to say the least and not for the swirmish in certain places. It was very steep and narrow in lots of places and at the peak you literally had 6 inches before a drop off on both sides of the road. Honestly! A beautiful drive for sure so long as you aren' too squirmish :)

This is near Escalante where there is a hike to the river that I heard about
 but out trailer was too big to park in the full parking lot so we continued on.
When you are heading North from Escalante, you will evenually pass a
coffee house which I can't remember the name but you will find it in the
 middle of the mountains where you least expect it. Shorly after this
 you will cross the Escalante river and will immediately come to the parking area.

This is the crazy road which has about 6 inches on each side before falling over he edge!

And now he scenery changes

and changes

and changes some more!

There is snow and coldness

and more snow

and then you are soon surrounded by beautiful red cliffs
 We then pass through Capitol Reef National Park. (A beautiful and FREE park to enter) It was so beautiful we had to stop and have lunch. There are many trails to do here, but we pushed on after enjoying the beauty of the park during lunch and a bit of time to stretch our legs.

I love the red against the green almost as much as against he blue

A family of deer visiting/living in the park

It was a lot of fun throwing the leaves and trying to catch
them before the wind swept them away.

Sierra enjoying watching the river

Daddy have a little snooze before
heading back on the road

If you visit here in the summer they open up these orchards for you to harvest for FREE! Free Friut!!!

 More scenery changes as we leave Capitol Reef

 Finally we arrive at more FREE camping on BLM land near Goblin State Park. (A camping review will come tomorrow my internet connection is bad tonight)

Exploring some abandoned buildings

Sierra and her rock treasures

A boat!

"Don't tell me I can't do this!!! I will!!!"

They had sooOOoo much fun exploring here
They even found a cold cellar which Sierra calls her bunny house

Fixing up the bunny house

Another heart rock

Sierra discovers an old car

Playing while daddy makes supper

And mom photographs the gorgeous sun

enjoying the sun from her special tree

The light tonight was amazing!

Daddy making dinner

tonights sun set

Even though we travel over 340 km's today it was one of my favourite days from start to finish. Everything was so amazing! Tomorrow we check out Goblin State Park.

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