Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Living Desert Zoo and Gardens State Park

This morning we went to the Living Desert Zoo and Gardens State Park in Carlsbad.
It's a fairly small park but we enjoyed our morning learning about all the plants and animals that live locally. This zoo only costs $5.00 per adult, 7-12 years are $3.00 and 6 and under are free. For that price don't expect to see San Diego Zoo because you will be disappointed. However if you go in and just enjoy your time walking the self guided tour of each animal habitat you may learn a thing or two and have fun while doing it.

Aayal enjoying the touch table. Fly Aayla Fly!

Sierra liked all the antlers but wasn't a fan of the
tarantulas they had in containers!

We have had 2 road runners run in front of us while driving but I have never been lucky enough to snap a photo of one
and Sierra had always missed seeing them so she was
very excited today to see a Road Runner at the zoo

Daddy Road Runner got in trouble for leading us back to the nest...

Sierra is wishing this lizard would just crawl up into daddy's hand :)

Trying to find some of the animals hiding...

Sierra was uninterested in the bear

Owl with one eye
They have a progrsm here to help these endangered wolves

Sierra quite likes the snakes from a distance

Gila Monster

Awww Mommy and baby Prairie Dogs


Having a good look at Carlsbad in the distance

This cactus was beautiful to look at!!!
But bending down to smell it..pheww stinky!!!

There were many different cacti from around the world in the greenhouse

A lily flower from their pond area

Sierra looking for tadpoles

I Love dragonflies :)
We saw many other animals not pictured here too. There was also a nocturnal display which was quite interesting. All the animals in the zoo are brought there as they need help. (like Mr one eyed owl). They don't "catch"animals from the wild. They help them heal and give them a home if they can't fend for themselves.

We bought an annual membership here. This zoo accredited by the Association of Zoo's and Aquariums and is part of the reciprocal program. This means for our entrance fee of $10 plus only $30 more ($40 for the annual membership and then you have free entry for a year) we are able to visit over 150 zoo's and aquariums in the USA (and 2 in Canada), for either 1/2 price or for FREE depending on the zoo.

Click here for a list of 2011 participating zoo's and aquariums) Acouple of the zoo's and aquariums we want to go to on this trip are part of the program so it won't take long to get our membership fees back in savings!

Stay tunned...Carlsbad Caverns coming right up :)

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